You know it's crazy how we grow and never really realize it. Think about it. When I turned four years old, the first thing I did was walk into the bathroom. I put my head against the wall to check to see if I grew. I wanted so bad for my head to reach the light switch. I turned four and I was disappointed because I didn't grow not one bit. When I went rollerskating at six years old, I was scared of the teenagers skating on the rink. They were towering over me and I just stood there and thought, "Dang, I'll never be that big." When I got to high school and became a teenager, I still never felt as big as those kids on the rink.
I knew from the time I was a child, that, eventually I would grow and be this girl that six-year-olds would look up to. It was the emotions, the character, the spirituality within myself that i never believed would expand. Yet, a year ago I looked myself in the eye and said i was different. I wasn't the down to earth girl that was once pure of heart and believed everyone else could be that way too. It just goes to show that even our believability and our doubt that we have could change.
I wasn't too happy with who I had grown to be. Mostly, because in that process of getting older, I also hurt a lot of people along my path. Now, I'm looking myself in the eye once again saying that I'm not who I used to be. I'm not the girl pure of heart anymore, but the girl pure of feeling. I changed my habits that ranged from the way I looked at someone to the way I cared for someone. To the way I loved people, to the way I prioritized. Even changing the way I ate, but that's another story.
I never watched myself transform, or noticed how much I changed. I probably won't ever get to witness all that I am going to be, but one thing is certain. I think I finally reached that light switch above my head.