Why I Decided To Re-Watch 'Glee' For The Third Time | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Decided To Re-Watch 'Glee' For The Third Time

Show choir wasn't a thing at my high school, so I lived vicariously through the characters of Glee the first time I watched it.

Why I Decided To Re-Watch 'Glee' For The Third Time

Simply put, Glee is about high school. But it is so much deeper than that: It's about the death of a parent and what happens when your widowed parent is ready to move on to new relationships, it's about divorce, it's about sexuality and bullying, and trying to fit into a high school of stereotypes where the male jocks reign on high with a pretty cheerleader on their arms. I'm not in high school anymore, and my high school experience was nothing like the kids of William McKinley, but in a weird way, I relate to these characters. I did first watch Glee while I was still in high school, but I got an itch to watch it again last week, so I watched the entire first season in a span of five days - and I'm not 100% sure how I was able to do that. Glee is, without a doubt, one of my favorite shows. If not for the story alone, for the music that is performed and the star-studded guest appearances. Here are a few reasons why I decided to watch Glee for the third time.


Rachel and Finn. In the beginning, their relationship was a little weird because Rachel is overly controlling and made a calendar of all of their dates for months in advance. Personally, I cannot see Rachel with anyone other than Finn. I love Jonathan Groff, but I absolutely hated his character Jesse St. James. It takes forever, but Rachel and Finn finally end up together and my heart is happy once again. Not only was I in love with their on-screen romance, but I was absolutely in love with Cory Monteith and Lea Michele off-screen. I still admire Lea for her tattoos in tribute to the late Monteith.

Speaking of, Cory Monteith is my next reason

He can sing. He can play the drums. He's an athlete. AND HE HAS A KILLER SMILE!? I'm absolutely dead. I've always been a sucker for drummers, to be honest. But I mean, just look at him. He is just absolutely precious. While re-watching Glee, one common and reoccurring thought is: I wish I had my own Finn Hudson.

Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel

These are two of my favorite women in the music/TV/theatre world and my admiration for them is beyond words. Anything these two are involved in will instantly become a favorite of mine (Yes, even Frozen). Their characters are even more of a reason for me to love their part in the series. April Rhodes is a problem, but also comedic relief. I think Kristin does an amazing job portraying April's struggles and bubbly personality. Shelby Corcoran - who we find out is Rachel's birth mom - could not have been portrayed by anyone better than Miss Idina Menzel. Not only is Idina a brilliant actress, but the resemblance between herself and Lea Michele is uncanny and both are incredibly talented singers, as well. Also, I'm just a huge fan of Wicked so seeing these two in the same series makes my heart sing a little, even if they never even interact with one another.

The nod to musical theatre.

The Glee Club performs so many show tunes and I jam out every time. In the very beginning of Glee Club, Rachel and Kurt are having a Diva-Off over who gets the solo if Defying Gravity. By the time they make it to Nationals in New York City, they're imagining their future as actors on Broadway and singing the beautiful duet from Wicked, For Good. I cry every time. I also just think it's funny how Wicked is present in the series and the two Original Broadway Cast actresses are key characters throughout the series.

Schue vs. Sue

Honestly, these two have the most epic battles on the entire show. Sue is a bully, I will not deny that to any extent. Her digs at Will are my favorite, though. She nonchalantly insults him every other sentence, but she says it so calmly. Jane Lynch's delivery of her lines are what make Sue Sylvester who she is. But Will doesn't always let Sue walk all over him. There are many great moments where he defends himself and his Glee Club and tells Sue just how it is. He has even set her straight on multiple occasions, but Sue will always be Sue. And though she never admits it, the Glee Club has a spot in the very depth of her heart.

Emma Pilsbury

Emma and Will, first off, is my second favorite "ship*" in the entire show. Secondly, Emma suffers from a mental disorder and it shows in the series how she begins to work through it and how important it is to have a support system. Lastly, she loves the Glee Club just as much as Will does, and is willing to do so much for them - like go and yell at Principal Figgins.

*ship: Short for romantic relationship, popularized in fanfiction circles (from Urban Dictionary)*

There are so many other reasons to re-watch Glee every time, but I'm only a few episodes into the second season and I don't remember what all happens. Plus, I've already given away too many secrets.

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