If you’re like me, you grew up watching Full House and have been counting down the days to see the reunion series on Netflix, Fuller House! Well, the wait is over! The series premiered last Friday and it was perfect. DJ now has three sons and has recently lost her husband. However, her sister, Stephanie, and best friend, Kimmy, decide to move in with her and help raise her boys. Sound familiar? The show features all of our favorite characters from Full House, except one very important person… Michelle.
Michelle (aka Mary Kate and Ashely Olsen) couldn’t make it to the reunion, but this is how I imagine she would react to the new show.
1. Seeing the Fuller House trailer for the first time...
Overwhelmed with excitement and nostalgia, I couldn't be happier seeing that Fuller House was really happening!
2. Finding out most of the cast would be back on the new show...
Uncle Jesse... it's been too long.
3. Finding out Mary Kate and Ashley didn't want to be a part of the show...
In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How Rude!"
4. But finding out Nicki and Alex would be on the show definitely made up for it...
So weird seeing the actors we knew as babies as college students.
5. Waking up on February 26th like...
Today's the day we've been waiting for since '95.
6. Getting home from class to get ready for a long binge-watching session...
So ready for this.
7. When they showed the old intro before the show started...
Already crying and the show hasn't even started yet.
8. Seeing how good John Stamos still looks...
Seriously, does the man age?
9. Seeing Jesse and Becky together...
90's Relationship Goals.
10. When they called out Mary Kate and Ashley for not being on the show...
Shots fired.
11. When Max said to DJ, "Mom, I already know all the bad words: darn, booger, and Donald Trump"
Best line of the first episode, hands down.
12. Finding out Danny got married...
13. Seeing how much Steve still loves DJ... and food.
My heart can't handle all these emotions.
14. Hearing Jesse and the Rippers sing "Forever" for the first time in... forever
BRB, having flashbacks to that music video of him playing the guitar shirtless.
15. Watching DJ cry about being a single mom and being on her own for the first time without her husband...
This show goes from cheesy lines to real life problems in the blink of an eye... and I'm never ready for it.
16. And finally, when they finished the episode the same way they finished the very first episode of Full House in 1987 by singing The Flintstones theme song...
Is this what pure joy feels like?
Yes, yes it is.