“This is Us” is a newer show that follows the up and downs of a typical, but unique family. It primarily focuses on the three siblings Kate, Kevin, and Randall but also their mom and dad Jack and Rebecca Pearson. This show consistently takes you on an emotional roller coaster that leaves you a sad mess eating ice cream, wondering when your Jack Pearson will be showing up. Here are a few reasons why you should stop everything and watch "This is Us."
1.The relatability
“This is Us” might be one of the most relatable shows out there. It describes the different aspects of family life in such a way that isn’t the typical cookie cutter show. “This is Us” takes on serious topics that many shows don’t like to talk about. For instance, the show takes on race, adoption, body image issues and drug/alcohol abuse. While not everyone may have the same problems as the Pearsons, you are bound to find one connection.
2. The drama
The drama of this show will keep you constantly wanting more. It seems whenever everything is going perfectly, something terribly awful happens and you are left with a broken heart and tears streaming down your face. You will be watching saying this can’t get any worse, but wait it can. Then somehow they all find a way to bounce back and grow as people and as cheesy as it sounds, that's beautiful.
3. The goals
I do not care what anyone says, I want a love as incredible, pure and honest as the love that the parents of “This is Us”, share. I mean the way Jack goes out of his way just to make his wife smile is the cutest thing. This show will make you stop looking for your Thomas Rhett and start looking for your Jack Pearson. Not to mention, Randall and his wife Beth are the ultimate modern "cool" mom and dad. I definitely want to be as cool as Beth when I grow up.
4. The inspiration
The way the characters preserve in this show is incredible. I constantly find myself thinking I wouldn’t know what to do after some of the things this family experiences. Where I would want to sit and cry these characters are constantly fighting to be better, improve themselves and grow. However not only is their perseverance inspirational, but the unconditional love that they feel for each other is something that we should all strive for. The acceptance and forgiveness are just incredible to witness.