Like many people, I put off watching The Office for as long as I could. Seeing all the hype about it online and social media made me not want to jump on that train. Well, I caved like any mid-twenties college student. My wonderful roommate convinced me (because she knows me too well) to start the series. Lets just say I finished all nine seasons in 2 weeks.
Here are three things that stood out the most to me while watching all 4,376 minutes of The Office.
1. The WritingÂ
Like most people, I have been one to enjoy a purely mind-numbing television show that has no real meaning. This is what I originally thought of the show. The more I watched, the more you begin to pick up on subtle jokes though-out the episodes. Every episode is similar but different. There is a level of uncertainty in The Office that is addicting! You automatically go on to the next episode because you just have to know what prank Jim is going to play on Dwight next, or what crazy line is going to come out of Stanley's mouth next. The writers behind the show are just clever enough to draw you close to every episode.
2. The CharactersÂ
Michael. Pam. Jim. Dwight. Meredith. Kelly. Stanley. Andy.
Just to name a few... Any fan of the show has a favorite, or favorites. Over the span of nine seasons, you see so much change within the cast. The producers do an excellent job of introducing new characters and letting go of old ones. I didn't feel cheated or left in the dark about any character. The actors and actresses did a fantastic job of keeping in character, and trust me I'm sure it was not an easy task! These people are hilarious.
3. The Story LineÂ
I believe that the producers and writers for this show progressed the story line very accurately. There isn't a time where the show felt stagnant. The cast goes out into different settings that keep the show interesting. Not going to spoil anything, but the ending is my favorite part. Other viewers would disagree with this, but they left the show on the best foot. The Office is a classic addition to anyone's list on Netflix.
So if you are bored, scrolling through your favorite streaming channel, I challenge you to watch. Begin a show that will get you hooked on a corporate 'family' working in a mediocre paper company.
"'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.' - Wayne Gretsky' - Michael Scott"