6. Lily Van Der Woodsen | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons You Need To Be Watching 'Dynasty' On The CW

Welcome to the Carrington manor.

Dynasty cast

The CW show "Dynasty" is WILD.

A 2017 reboot of the 1980 dramatic soap, this show is full of twists and turns and rich Atlanta socialites. Why all my favorite shows are dramas featuring wealthy people, I will never know. This show is perfect if you have dearly missed "Gossip Girl" because this is it but filled with more plot twists, mystery, and even murder. I watched season one in two days. I was hooked on it and cannot wait for more in season two.

The show follows the wealthy Carrington family, consisting of heiress Fallon Carrington, her father Blake Carrington, and her brother Steven Carrington. The family dynamic changes when Blake reveals to his children that he is engaged to the young Cristal Flores, an employee of the family's business, Carrington Atlantic, who has just taken what would've been Fallon's COO position. The show also follows the shady past of Cristal and her nephew Sam, who both are originally from Venezuela. The drama continues with death, marriage, and Fallon's estranged mother, Alexis Carrington, surprising everyone and returning to Atlanta. There's mystery, drama, and scandal in this show that will always keep you watching until the end.

Here are seven reasons you need to be watching The CW's show, "Dynasty."

1. Fallon and Steven are sibling goals

They bicker but truly they are a dynamic duo.

2. Fallon Carrington's comebacks

Almost as sassy as Queen B.

3. Anders' wit

Anders, the Carrington majordomo, always will fight for the Carrington fam, and his straight-faced sass makes the entire show.

4. The scandals

Murder, Venezuelan mafia, estranged mothers — this show has it all.

5. Family issues

All the rich mother-daughter drama you need in one show.

6. Lily Van Der Woodsen

Yes, the one and only "Gossip Girl" legend is in Dynasty, as if you didn't need more of a reason to watch this.

7. The season 1 finale

A wedding, a fire, and secrets revealed, this season 1 finale is intense. It will leave you on a cliffhanger so you better keep watching!

Season 1 is streaming on Netflix now and season 2 premieres October 12th on The CW.

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