"The Bold Type" is the new "Gossip Girl," but better. Following three girls, Jane, Sutton, and Kat, navigating NYC and Scarlet magazine, this show is addicting while also empowering and courageous.
1. It illustrates a realistic, supportive female friendship
The friendship between Kat, Jane, and Sutton is SO realistic. They have their ups and downs within the show, but arguments and different points of view are handled well. I personally love seeing the high points in their friendship, from their meetings in the fashion closet to their joking around about this, that, and the other. However, my favorite aspect of their friendship is how supportive they are of each other.
Whether it be standing up for each other to hateful coworkers or even setting the other straight when she is heading down the wrong path, the girls truly care for each other's well being and happiness, which is so important and amazing.
2. It portrays a healthy workplace dynamic
The Editor-in-Chief of Scarlet magazine, Jacqueline Carlyle, is not the stereotypical awful boss so often used in television shows. Jacqueline is a great mixture of powerful, in control, yet respectful to her staff, which is a kick butt combo.
Bonus: Jacqueline is played by the same actress that played Jan on "The Office."
3. It starts conversations about important topics
This show isn't afraid to talk about important issues in today's society. "The Bold Type" presents these topics in a way that allows there to be many points of view. Not only that, but instead of simply stating their opinion, the characters have healthy conversations in which they explain their reasoning. By no means do I agree with everything that happens on "The Bold Type."
However, I appreciate how they handle the somewhat taboo topics in a mature way, and they allow me to think about what I believe on a subject and why I believe it.
Some topics mentioned: race, sexuality, workplace dynamic, navigating social media, relationships, health issues, sexual assault, being in your 20s, career vs love
4. It explores the inner workings of a magazine
There is so much that goes on! There are writers, editors, fashion people, photographers, social media directors, interns, etc. Not to mention all the chaos that it takes to have a cohesive magazine. It's honestly amazing to watch what happens behind the scenes.
5. It shows the girls making hard decisions
This show isn't about fluff. It might have its moments, but "The Bold Type" shows the hard decisions facing 20-something women today. Their decisions not only affect them, but also the people around them. However, with help from their trusted friends, the girls make choices. And spoiler alert: they aren't always the best ones.
6. It shows the girls conquering their fears
Lastly, this show is empowering because in each episode, at least one of the girls faces a fear. Whether it be questioning who they are or determining whether to see into the future or moving out of their comfort zone to pursue what they really love, the girls don't just give up. They decide what they really want, and they go for it. They may be scared to death, but they know that they have their friends to back them up, whether they crash and burn or they succeed with flying colors.