It has been about 17 years since the release of the animated masterpiece, "Spirited Away" by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. This film is about a young girl named Chihiro, who gets trapped in the spirit world and has to save her parents — who have been transformed into pigs — by working in the bathhouse for the spirits. This film has always stuck with me for so long.
Here are three reasons why you should not miss out on watching this magnificent film.
1. The animation is beautiful
The setting and characters are very stunning to look at. Most significantly, this film's animation is all hand drawn. This causes us to appreciate the animation even more. Nowadays, animation films become reliant on 3D animation, up to the point where we almost forgot the age of 2D animation. This film gives us back the nostalgic feel of 2D animation. In addition, the setting and aesthetics look so realistic, even you can see the amount of work and detail that are put into it. I became very captivated by the character drawing of Haku, the dragon spirit boy who helps Chihiro on her journey. I remembered him as one of most beautiful animated bob cut boys that I have ever seen. I can see why Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki are so admirable and respected by many. They have wonderful, unique, and recognizable drawing styles.
2. It has themes, quotes, and lessons that you should learn
Another aspect of this film that has stuck with me is its themes and lessons. The themes of past and future are demonstrated when Chihiro doesn't look forward to her new life but after she goes through her journey in the spirit world, she finds the confidence and motivation to take on her new life. Moreover, she heeds to Haku's last words, "don't look back" which serves as one of the most memorable quotes in the film. In addition, when Chihiro works in the bathhouse, this shows that in order to get what you want, you must work for it. The hard work and commitment pay off when she is able to rescue her parents and overcomes Yubaba's test.
Another important quote that describes the meeting of new people to fate and destiny is when Zeniba says, "Once you met someone, you don't really forget them." All these quotes are engraved inside my heart after watching this film. Moreover, the film depicts how pollution is a hazard to nature in the scene where Chihiro helps cleanse a smelly wealthy spirit. Lastly, the new buildings that took over land and nature are also a problem that is shown when Chihiro recalls that the Kohaku River that she has fallen in and saved by Haku (now replaced by apartments) is mainly the reason why Haku cannot find his home.
3. The pure love story between Chihiro and Haku
Their story becomes one of the purest love stories that I have ever watched. Surprisingly, Haku, a spirit dragon boy who helps the human girl, Chihiro, has declared that he has known her a very long time. Chihiro is then comforted and aided by Haku, who tells her to never forget her name while Chihiro remembers his name later on in the film. From then on, Haku and Chihiro become each other's reminders of their true identity and sense of belonging. Despite coming from two different worlds, this fated encounter between them and remembering each other has helped them to complete themselves. Therefore in discovering themselves, reuniting with each other, and making each other feel alive in the spirit world, their foreheads touch in affectionate bliss.
Whoever did not watch this film, watch this film right now, and get blown away by its beautiful story, picture, and cast!