Rick and Morty is an animated series about the adventures of a super scientist with his not-so-bright grandson. It is a unique creation that I recently started watching and I love it! Here are the 10 reasons why:
1. It’s creative comedy
Rick is a sarcastic, genius, asshole of a grandfather, and when put with the other characters, it makes for a comical outcome.
Morty is a nervous, curious, and weak grandson who always ends up going on Rick’s adventures and getting into trouble with him.
Summer is Morty’s sassy and annoying sister who always calls people out on their bullshit, questioning them with sass.
Then there are Beth and Jerry, Morty’s parents. They go back and forth about their marriage and the nuisances that Rick gets them into.
Other ways the creators make us laugh is every season, there is an episode where Rick uses crystallized Z
2. It's intellectual
Rick is always cooking something scientific up in the garage. He tries to explain what it is and how he did it, but we all just end up looking at him like Morty does: confused and nervous.
3. It's raunchy
Another comical aspect of this show is its instinct and reaction to cuss. Not only that, but there can be some pretty graphic scenes.
This is what makes the show more real for me and I love it. It’s what’s behind every family’s closed doors after they take their good behavior masks off.
Except, Rick never wears that mask. Not to mention how he’s a drunk, constantly burping and bringing Morty to different galaxies.
4. It's emotional
There are many instances when the show gets very real and pulls at your heartstrings. Moments are made throughout the family to show that a grandpa will always love his kids equally, that Beth and Jerry have a real, loving marriage and are meant to be together, and other moments that show a family’s love can conquer all.
5. It's thought-provoking
Somehow, despite the tricky and seemingly doomed situations, Rick always finds a way to save the day and escape what was thought to be the end of the show! Every episode has me thinking back to the different foreshadowing Rick gave that I overlooked.
6. It's romantic
Morty is always trying to impress Jessica at school.
Summer has a different admirer every other episode. Beth and Jerry are constantly trying to overcome some marriage battle.
Rick is...well...we learn about his story with his wife and that was heartbreaking. Although he did have a little affair with someone on another plant. But Rick doesn’t really believe in love, though.
There is continually some type of romantic aspect to each episode between any one of the many characters making an appearance throughout the thousands of dimensions. This is another reason why I love Rick and Morty; I’m a romantic at heart.
7. There are life lessons to be learned
Whether it's about how to treat the ones you love or about not stopping at another planet to watch them purge, there is an interesting life lesson to learn in each episode.
8. It's action-packed
With every adventure out to a new dimension or another planet, something or someone is coming after Rick, Morty, Summer, and obviously Jerry.
9. There are unexpected twists
When Rick gets put in alien prison, we all thought it was over. But of course, Rick is the smartest man in the universe and escapes while also destroying the alien prison and government.
Of course. Don’t ask me how, because I still rewatch that episode to try to understand. Talk about emotional, comical, action-packed, and intellectual!
10. There are tons of silly characters
You know exactly what I’m talking about. These are the most unique characters that make you wonder how the creators came up with them. They are raunchy, hilarious, and dedicated friends of Rick’s, and are quite entertaining.
I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me!
Mr. Poopy Butthole
Glip Glop? You’re lucky a Traflorkian didn’t hear you say that. It’s like the n-word and the c-word made a baby and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews.
If you haven’t watched Rick and Morty, you should be starting episode one by now because you will not regret it! Comment your favorite quotes and memories about the show once you have!