Movie-watching is primarily a social event in our society, and while it's fun to watch a new flick with your friends on a Friday night out, there's something especially enjoyable about watching a film alone in the movie theaters. For those of you who haven't experienced this yet, I urge you to do so. Here's why:
It's not as weird as you think.
Unless you go dressed like the Joker, then you should prepare for a few stares.
GiphyIt seems as if there is a social stigma against, well, being alone in public - theater-going being one of them. However, I don't think one should be discouraged by that perceived stigma. In fact, movie-watching alone is a more common activity than one might think. Chances are that you've seen someone sitting alone at the theaters by themselves and didn't have a second thought about it. And after all, movie-critics do watch and review the newest films alone all the time. So you shouldn't feel awkward over "One ticket for....".
You already watch films alone already.
Who hasn't binged watched a TV series or a trilogy of movies before?
GiphyThere is a reason Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services are so successful. It's pretty safe to safe to say that everyone has enjoyed a movie or TV series by their lonesome... so why is it so different in public?
You get to watch the film you actually want.
Yay on no more compromising!
GiphyWe've all pretty much been in the situation where you go out to the movies with your family or friends and you end up watching a movie you weren't particularly interested in. Or, perhaps you were really excited to watch an upcoming film but no one else can spare the time or is even interested, so you end up waiting until it's up on streaming services. Point is, movie watching alone gives you the freedom to watch what you really want.
You can get the best seats.
No more sitting at the very front row and getting neck pains from head tilting.
GiphyPart of the appeal about going alone to watch a movie is that you can go any time of the day you're available. Classes finish at 11 in the morning and got time to waste? Perfect, just in time for the noon showingFewerss crowds means better seating. Even during crowded theater rooms, there is always great seating for one!
Movie watching is a personal experience.
When you're watching a movie, you're not actively interacting with anybody except for the movie itself. You're entirely alone with your thoughts and your interpretation of the movie - and that's ok! Sometimes the best films take time to digest without the immediate need to start a conversation on them. Movies have to ability to take you out of reality for a couple of hours, and sometimes that a guilty pleasure best enjoyed alone.
For these reasons you should try to watch a movie by yourself at least once - even if you're extrovert. Who knows, you might even like it.