From the moment this Netflix original documentary series begins, the viewer is drawn in by the complexity of the murder of a nun. Despite the seemingly straightforward question being asked, “who killed Sister Cathy,” the documentary quickly spirals into a series of intertwining stories that not only attempt to answer this question but reveal the sheer power of perseverance and strength among a large group of women.
The Keepers calls into question some serious biases that are still present today like the trust placed in the catholic church as well as the way our current justice system handles sexual assault cases. Through the use of popular social media platforms, the brave victims and their tenacious allies are able to seek justice not only for themselves, but for Sister Cathy.
No matter your group affiliations, your religion, or anything else, this is an incredibly important series to watch as it demonstrates what being an ally really is and how there is always more to a story than meets the eye. From its simple beginnings to the tangled web the viewer ends up with, The Keepers does not disappoint. You will find yourself crying with, learning from, and most importantly, rooting for the women in the series. Filled with "oh my god" worthy twists and turns, this documentary leaves you wanting "just one more episode" over and over again. Definitely prepare to binge this elaborate, perfectly done series.