"Degrassi" is a Canadian Teen television series that has been running since the eighties. There is "The Kids on Degrassi St" (1979-1986), "Degrassi Junior High" (1987-1989), "Degrassi High" (1989-1991), "Degrassi: The Next Generation" (2001-2010), "Degrassi" (2010-2015), and "Degrassi: Next Class" (2016-Present). Not to mention countless small films in between all of the different variations between series. "Degrassi" has been around for three and a half decades for teens all over the world, primarily Canada and America.
Now that we're past the boring introduction where I try to be a somewhat professional blogger, "Degrassi" deals with countless problems facing teens in today's society, so that's why I recommend that everybody watches "Degrassi: The Next Generation" and "Degrassi." The cast they chose for these fourteen seasons were up to par with exactly what every preteen, teen, and young adult expects from a teen soap.
While the casting is great, there is one huge reason why everyone should watch:
"Degrassi" deals with multiple problems facing adolescents such as drug yse, sexuality, self-worth, depression, anxiety, "fitting in," and many more.
"Degrassi" has helped teens all over the world deal/not deal with drugs, come out to their parents and peers, determine how valuable they are, cope and come to terms with having depression or anxiety, and learn that fitting in isn't always the most important thing in life.
"Degrassi" also shows that there are people in life who do truly care about you. Like when (spoiler) Marco got jumped for being gay, Jimmy came to him as soon as possible and was there for him unlike Spinner who couldn't grasp why Marco was gay.
Of course we all know Drake is a big softy anyways.
Or like when Paige helped Ellie get help for her self harming problem:
And when Jenna stuck up for Adam:
There is not one comprehensible reason to me why someone shouldn't at least try to watch "Degrassi." "Degrassi" is a crucial piece of pop culture in this day and time.
Also, for anyone who is totally against "Degrassi" because they dare to deal with social issues as compared to acting like they don't exist and won't go away: