"Cable Girls" ("Las Chicas del Cable") is the first original Spanish series produced by Netflix. The series is set in Madrid, Spain in the 1920s and features four women, Lidia, Marga, Carlota, and Ángeles, working at the National Telephone Company as telephone operators. The show follows four women on their quest to achieve their dreams and independence while building meaningful friendships and relationships.
Here are some reasons that this should be the next show you watch:
The friendships
The strong bond that the four females form is truly heartwarming. Throughout the series, the girls continuously prove that they'll go to any length to help and protect each other.
The soundtrack
The show features some beautiful, slow but upbeat English music. Now while I do wish that they picked some Spanish music, I do still really love the selection. The music adds a modern twist to the historical background.
The drama
The show is rich in drama. It's full of romance, heartbreak, lies, friendships, secrets, family issues, and even murder. The drama keeps you on your toes and makes the show easy to binge!
The wardrobe and representation of the 1920s
If you're a fan of the 1920s, then you'll definitely love the representation of it in the show. The fashion includes flapper dresses, short hairstyles for women, suits for men, and hats for both genders. From the fashion to the culture, the show does a pretty accurate job of portraying the 1920s.
The message
"Cable Girls" portrays a powerful message about female empowerment and equality along with a few other important messages that are revealed in later episodes.
A third season is on its way sometime in mid-2018, so catch up!