Why You Need To Watch 'Bojack Horseman' Right Now | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Need To Watch 'Bojack Horseman' Right Now

It's hands-down one of the best shows on Netflix

Why You Need To Watch 'Bojack Horseman' Right Now

Within the last few years, Netflix has paved the way for online show streaming.

They bring a convenient way for us to access all of our favorite shows and movies wherever we are, and they made it even more worth it to pay for an account (or steal your ex’s login… I don’t judge) when they created hit Netflix Original shows like "Orange Is The New Black," "Making A Murderer" and "The Santa Clarita Diet." Let’s face it, no matter how much we complain about what a slave to technology we are, Netflix is one of the few things I can admit to being shamelessly too dependent on. One Netflix Original show that I can’t get enough of is none other than "Bojack Horseman."

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a stupid show. Adult cartoons always have to adhere to a level of mediocrity to appeal to the people who would choose to watch an adult cartoon in the first place (think "Family Guy" and "American Dad" style humor), but "Bojack Horseman" is so much more than that. Somehow, this stupid adult cartoon manages to envelop the audience in a clever style of humor while still managing to hold onto a depressing storyline that leaves watchers inexplicably heartbroken by the end of each episode. The audience falls in love with each individual character for their flaws, and the show appeals to our empathy to the point that we begin to feel the pain that each character must feel in their situation.

The show focuses on has-been actor, "Bojack Horseman," and his life after his career seemingly has died and the adventures he and his gaggle of friends experience while he tries to find the happiness he once had as the star of a widely popular sitcom in the 90s, "Horsin’ Around." He struggles to feel acceptance from the people around him, and often asks himself the question, “Am I doomed to be the person that I am?”

His roommate, Todd, has been living on Bojack’s couch for years and although Bojack relays a deep disdain for his roommate it is made clear through Bojack sabotaging Todd’s ability to create a career and eventually move out that Bojack is deeply dependent on Todd, if only for his willingness to just exist and rely on Bojack financially, thus giving Bojack a sense of importance.

Bojack’s agent and ex-girlfriend, Princess Caroline, struggles with her own inner demons, like her fear of being alone for the rest of her life because her career is the center of her world, all while she constantly finds herself trying to save Bojack from his own self-destructive decisions.

Diane is Bojack’s ghost writer and the husband of Mr. Peanutbutter (an also has-been 90’s sitcom star, but one that handles it much better), who struggles with her self-worth and a marriage that she isn’t sure she’s truly happy in. Bojack believes he’s in love with Diane but it seems his feelings towards her may be more geared towards his need to feel accepted, and as his ghost writer, Diane had to accept him for all that he was.

There are many more characters with just as heartbreaking stories, and each will pull you in and leave you feeling empty for different reasons. "Bojack Horseman" is different than any other adult cartoon because it reminds us that no matter how much you have, or how good your life may seem, we all have demons we have to face. It’s common for people to hear, “you can’t be depressed, there are people out there who have it worse than you,” but "Bojack Horseman" shows us that everyone has their own struggles and everyone is susceptible to sadness and depression.

The characters are just as loveable as they are tragic. You’ll fall in love with Bojack for his antics and desire to be happy. You’ll fall in love with Todd for his charm and stupidity. You’ll fall in love with Princess Caroline for her work ethic, independence, and sense of empowerment. You’ll fall in love with Diane for her relatability and attitude. Each character is unique and has a story to tell, which can be hard when dealing with cartoons.

The newest season of "Bojack Horseman" airs in September so if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend watching it and you have plenty of time to watch all of the seasons before it airs. You’ll be left with heartache at the end of each episode, but you won’t regret it.

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