Relationships are full of love, emotion, happiness, sadness, anger, and sometimes heartbreak happens too. When it does, it's really freaking hard, no matter what you do for yourself, sometimes it feels like it'll never get better. But you have to understand why the heartbreak is there, for what reason, and what you can take from the hurt you're feeling. Sometimes, two people can put all they have into each other and it still doesn't work out the way they always wanted it to. Sometimes you both try your best to tape the leaks, to sew the holes, to keep things together, but it just doesn't work. And when this happens?
Forgive yourself.
There's nothing you could've done. There wasn't enough tape to cover the leaks, not enough thread to sew the holes. Sometimes things don't work out and that's okay. Forgive yourself for not being able to fix the leaks and holes. Don't blame yourself. Cry if you must, but don't stop living. Keep going, because it's okay if it didn't work. But you ask yourself still, what can I do? Where do I go from here?
All you can really though is learn. Learn that you can't want it enough for the both of you, or that it's okay if you aren't the same person you once were and you need different things now, or that this just isn't what you want anymore. Learn that doing the right thing for yourself is just as okay as being together. Sometimes we need to recognize that what we wanted to work has ran its course and that there's nothing left for either of you to give to fix it or make it better. These moments break our hearts for sure, but we need to know that it wasn't meant to be, and that is okay! It's okay if you aren't the same person, it's okay if there wasn't enough to fix the leaks or sew the holes. It's okay if you're not meant to be.
You can learn, you can cry, you can be upset, you can do everything you feel you need to do, just don't forget that there's a reason for every single thing that happens and all you have to do is find it. Find a way to give yourself a break from whatever you're feeling in this difficult time and do what you need to do for yourself in order to heal, or love yourself. Because it wasn't meant to be, and that's okay. You may have tried as hard as you possibly could, but things just don't work out sometimes, and you and that person you love/loved, aren't meant to be.