When you first arrive in college, you'll most likely be cooped up in the dorms with a random roommate. Often times, this can be an awesome experience. You learn how to learn in close proximities with another human being – which is a feat in itself. After you move out, however, you can usually live with whoever you want. You know what kind of person you're equipped to live with and know exactly how much messiness you can handle. If you're lucky, these people will become your best friends as well as living space partners.
This is dedicated to all the roommates out there (with a soft spot for Spongebob Squarepants) who found true love with their suitemates. Here's to you guys, thanks for putting up with me.
When you first found out you would be roommates, you celebrated a little too much. People were probably starting to stare.
People say you're starting to look and sound exactly like your roommates (or you just borrow his/her clothes far too often).
You find yourself a little lost when you come home and they aren't there.
You often sit in your room with each other doing absolutely nothing in comfortable silence.
But when the random dance parties ensue, nothing else quite compares.
You learn what your friends look like right as they roll out of bed in the morning, and you might be a little shocked at first, but you accept them anyways.
They even let you laugh at their insecurities, ugly Snapchats included. Bless your heart, roomie.
Let's be honest, now they know you're not all that hot, either.
Not everything is perfect though, and sometimes you get on each other's nerves.
You aren't afraid to call them out, just because you can.
Even when they're obviously annoyed with you, you like to see how far you can take it.
But when the time is right, you'll reconcile and remind each other how much you care.
After all, how could you be mad at someone who doesn't judge you for all your late night food binges?
Because when it's all said and done, you don't know what you would do without them.
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