I'm going to keep this short and sweet because this subject is still something I'm still learning to deal with. This is how it all starts....
"I'm okay. I promise." First off if anyone tells you that, don't just say alright and keep going... something is WRONG!
The reason I would say I'm okay is because it was hard for me to talk about. I did not know how to begin to answer that question. I did not want to sound weak. I did not want to bother anyone. Although, I did know that talking about it was the hardest thing I could do.
One thing I failed to realized was that maybe talking about it could help! I got so caught up in survival mode that I forgot about healing. I forgot how to take my wall down.
Well, I am here to tell you that it is okay if you save yourself. It is okay to find one person and build yourself up. It is okay to take a day and disappear.
I learned that I was going to be better than okay. Someone I really admire did something so simple. She asked me "how is your heart?" This one question allowed me to be vulnerable and express how I actually felt.
So, I advise you to do one thing... Open up to one person! Just one.. and do not hold back anything!
A Girl Who Accepted She Was Not Okay (But worked hard to heal herself.)