How many times have you wondered what it would have been like to grow up in a different time? There are so many things that I do not like or approve of with this generation. I wish I could go back to a simpler time where people still went on dates at ice cream parlors and shared a milkshake and went to social dances to meet each other instead of "the club". Believe it or not there was a time before texting was a thing. I was not meant for this generation.
Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the 70's or 80's and have someone stand outside your window and throw rocks at it until you went on a date with them? Or fist pumping the air when you finally do go on the date? Times were different back then and so was dating. There wasn't a thing such as Tinder and people didn't plan to "hookup" like they do today. Back then there were more standards than there are now. Back then the person that you were going on the date with would have to come into your house and knock on your door and meet your parents before you set foot out of the house and when there was a curfew, there was a curfew.
The 70' and 80's were also the best time for music. AC/DC, Motley Crue, Queen, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Guns N Roses, Pink Floyd, Meatloaf, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Def Leppard, Journey, and so many more amazing bands came out with music in this time period. In those days not every song was about sex and drugs, okay well some were, but most were about the music. These bands gave meaning to the term rock and roll and their music actually meant a lot more than music does today. Not to mention vintage rock tees and awesome.
Wouldn't it be nice to go back to a time where people didn't run around wearing crop tops and every model wasn't 80 pounds? People are too sensitive now and everything you say can offend someone somehow. You could say "hey" and someone could get offended. Back then nobody cared, they only worried about themselves because there was no social media to look at. Now we spend too much time on our computers, iPhones, and tablets that we don't take the time to actually see what's going on in the world around us. We would rather read about it on Facebook or Twitter.
I was not meant for this generation.