In school, we were all told the story about how Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Is this really the truth?
September 27th - October 3rd, Lee Harvey Oswald contacted the Soviet embassy and the Cuban consulate several times in person and over the phone whilst he was in Mexico City. Photos were taken and his phone calls were recorded by the CIA. Neither the photos nor the recordings were that of Oswald. It turns out that he had been impersonated. Impersonator spoke terrible Russian which Oswald was very good at. Cuban consulate general said the man claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald looks nothing like the real Oswald. It is clear to me that Oswald had been manipulated in order to implicate Soviet and Cuban regimes in Kennedy's assassination. Unbeknownst to the FBI, the CIA knew all along that the photos were not of Oswald. The CIA had been keeping tabs on Oswald, his case was on a need to know basis six weeks prior to the assassination. The shooting from the sixth floor of Texas School Book Depository is strongly contradicted by medical and photographic evidence. There are no photos of Oswald firing a gun from the sixth floor of the depository. The claim that it was physically possible for a lone gunman to have caused all known injuries with only three shots is empathetically contradicted by the medical, photographic, and eyewitness evidence. Oswald most likely wasn't the lone gunman he was made out to be. Two witnesses saw Lee Harvey Oswald carrying a bag and insisted it was too small to have contained a rifle. The evidence suggests Oswald had not fired a rifle at all that day and that a bullet was dishonestly placed in evidence in order to frame Oswald. The claim that he brought a rifle to work and was on the sixth floor at the time of the shooting was contradicted by all credible evidence. It is clear that the "magic bullet" could not have caused all of Connally's injuries. The bullet suffered too little damage to have possibly caused all of those injuries. There was more metal deposited into Connally's body than was missing from the bullet. With Lee Harvey Oswald dead, no one will ever hear his side of the story.
Lee Harvey Oswald's Alibi:
No precise alibi is found in any records, no mention of any refusal to give one by Oswald. He was interrogated for twelve hours and he never confessed. Where exactly is Oswald's alibi? Interviews were attended by police, FBI, and Secret Service agents who surely recorded his alibi in full detail. It was either hidden or destroyed. Charles Givens said he saw Oswald on the first floor in the room where employees have lunch at 11:50 A.M. Givens later changed his story to the sixth floor he could have possibly been bribed. The FBI was looking for an employee to place Oswald on the sixth floor. Other witnesses place Oswald on the first floor not the sixth. The testimony of James Jarman and Harold Norman proved that Oswald was on the first floor a few minutes before the assassination. Oswald was still on the first floor no more than two minutes before Kennedy was due to pass by the building. No one had heard anyone frantically running up the stairs. The elevator was already in use which Oswald was not on. How could he have possibly made it to the sixth floor in time to shoot the president? It just does not make any sense. Bonnie Ray Williams claimed to have been the only one on the sixth floor for several minutes around midday. Very likely, Oswald was not on the sixth floor from midday onwards.
11:50 Oswald is on the first floor
12:15 Gunman and a second man are seen on the sixth floor, Oswald is on the first or second floor.
12:23 Oswald is on the first floor.
12:25-12:30 Gunman of the sixth floor.
Once Oswald was done with his lunch he went home.
When a gunman is seen Oswald is accounted for. He absolutely had no time to shoot the president. It is physically impossible for him to be in two places at once.
The CIA:
The investigation was controlled by deputy director Richard Helms and counterintelligence chief James Angleton. They opposed President Kennedy's policy on Cuba. They crushed colleagues who dared to seek a real investigation of Oswald. They relied on deceptive memoranda to steer investigators away from evidence that indicated a possible pro- or anti-Castro Cuban conspiracy. Concocted false and misleading statements that served to steer the Warren Commission away from evidence that might point to a conspiracy. They concealed or downplayed evidence about Cuban contacts of Oswald. Oswald's ties to Cuban intelligence was never properly investigated. At least forty bystanders stated gunfire came from the front of the motorcade, this was suppressed by the government. The investigation was botched because it was intended to fail. The CIA gained control within a few months and completely corrupted it. Blocked and impeded the investigation of possible conspiracy behind the president's murder. They concealed their own role in monitoring Oswald and in conspiring to kill Fidel Castro. Ensured that the Warren Commission never knew about their role in the events leading to the tragedy in Dallas. Harold Swenson, a counterintelligence officer, raised questions. His findings and recommendations were suppressed. This file tells the story of a coverup and how the CIA gained control of the investigation of Oswald and effectively "killed" it. Whatever happened to these amazing men you may ask. Helms has pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about an assassination plot in Chile. Angleton was eventually fired for presiding over a massive program to spy on opponents of the Vietnam War. They never played by the rules.
CIA Lies:
1. The agencies conspiracy in November 1963 to assassinate Fidel Castro
2. The date CIA personnel first opened a file on Lee Harvey Oswald.
3. What CIA operations officers knew about Oswald's contacts with the agency. A funded anti-Castro group in New Orleans in the summer of 1963.
4.What top officials knew about Oswald's visit to the Cuban consulate six weeks prior to the assassination.
5. All CIA information was furnished to the Warren Commission.
6. CIA wasn't initially interested in Oswald. (Opened file on December 9th, 1960)
7. CIA didn't know about Oswald's Cuban contacts before the assassination.
Personally, I think Lee Harvey Oswald is innocent. With the evidence presented, I can't consciously think he did it when there are so many doubts. That leaves the question: if Oswald didn't do it then who did?
All of this information can be found on the following websites: