I would not be the person I am today without all the bullying I endured in middle school and high school. I would not be the person I am today without knowing what it is like to have divorced parents, or barely enough money to make it by. I would not be the person I am today if it wasn't for the assholes who broke my heart, or the people who tried to tear me apart countless times. But, I am thankful that I have had those experiences.
Growing up, I wasn't always the pretty one or the popular one. I was always the little nerd in the back with her glasses and hair in a scrunchy. I was the little girl who had this weird body that always got sick or injured. I was the middle schooler who was fat and was called "hungry hungry hippo". I was the sophomore who had the name "anorexic" or "bones". I was the senior in high school who had to prove that they were good enough to dance despite all of her ailments. I was the 17-year-old girl who got an acceptance letter to her dream school and moved to New York City.
I was the girl who overcame.
I don't look back on my school years and think, "I wish I had a different life." Because in all honesty, I wouldn't want anything different to have happened. I was able to grow as a person and become the woman I am today. I would not be sitting here typing this now if I hadn't decided to pursue my dream of being an actor. But, here I am.
Today, I am the woman who goes to AMDA. I am the Editor-In-Chief for the AMDA Odyssey Team. I am the one who is a full-time student with two jobs. I am the person that has faith in myself to succeed.
I am the woman who has changed.
I would not be here if I hadn't spoken up for myself, or hadn't been determined to follow my dreams or speak my mind. There was never a good time to say what I needed to say or the perfect moment, but I did it anyways. I was always evolving so that I could be here now.
There will never be enough time, or a good place, or a great way to say something that will break your heart, or make your world turn upside down. You just have to say it. Right then and there. In that moment. YOU have to stand up for yourself and do what is BEST for YOU.