So, you want to date a Scorpio? Great! But you have to keep caution about the side effects of dealing with one. There are always going to be Scorpios that you like and dislike, pretty much like every other zodiac sign. But here are a few things about common Scorpios that you should watch out for!
1. We can't stand clinginess
We enjoy having people around to be friends with, but once you start to become clingy and overbearing, we are turned off and may cut you out in a heartbeat just to get our space.
2. We pay attention to everything you say…be careful.
If a Scorpio is asking you a lot of questions, it's not because we're nosy, we're just trying to see if we can catch you in a lie. Our BS meter is crazy.
3. Sex is cool but we love deep conversation even more.
Don't think you can win one over with small-talk because it's not going to work. Awkwardness isn't in our category. (A lot of sites say that Scorpios are known for sex but that label doesn't define everyone. Everyone has different qualities about them.)
4. Don't even try to argue, because they will NOT back down.
GiphyEspecially, if we come in with our facts ready to read, we're not giving up. Don't even try it because once an argument is started, they always like to have the last word and you'll regret arguing with them.
5. We love to try new things and be open minded if we like someone.
Emphasis on the "if" we like someone.
6. Is absolutely HORRIBLE at texting...
A Scorpio takes like 4 days to respond and will still continue the conversation. If not, most of the time they will leave you on read because they might be invested in someone else.
7. Yes, the trust issues are real.
GiphyDon't be surprised if they come in with a survey you need to fill out beforehand. Fun fact: Erica Mena, who is shown in this GIF, is also a Scorpio.
8. We don't wear black all the time.
Although, dark colors are pretty nice.
9. We're either extremely talkative and social or reserved and standoffish. There's no in between.
You have to be interesting because if they aren't feeling something, they will shy away really quick. If they are interested, they will open up more.
10. We aren't rude, we are telling you the truth.
A lot of people love how "real" Scorpios are until they say something you don't like.
11. We have dark humor.
GiphyIn situations where you shouldn't laugh, a Scorpio would take that opportunity to crack a joke. (SB: Every Scorpio has a photo album strictly for memes.)
12. We do a much better job than the FBI.
Giphy"Hey there's this guy but I can't find him on social media. I only know his name and where he goes to school b—" SAY NO MORE!
Our mouths are LETHAL if you piss us off.
GiphyMost of them that I know tend to hit low blows and things that you never knew that they remembered. Like I said earlier, don't say anything you don't want repeated because they will do it.
14. If you do us wrong, we are known for our vindictiveness and very vengeful, so don't get on our bad side.
GiphyIf we don't like you, we'll convince our friends to do the same. Whether it's dating your brother, stealing your friends, taking you off their insurance, cutting off your phone bill, you name it!
15. We tend to flirt...on accident
This may be a problem if you are a jealous person yourself. If a Scorpio has the attention or interest in someone else, they will tend to be very flirty. But don't assume that they will cheat. They are loyal and wouldn't be in a relationship if they were going to flirt.
16. We're basically ride or dies.
GiphyNobody is more loyal than a Scorpio who is invested in their relationship.