Whether you love the cold or you are a heat advocate, the weather is changing and it is changing rapidly.
With spring break just around the corner, plans have been made and people are choosing their destination based on previous spring break locations. But should they be so dependent on the past?
In an article published on nrdc.org, (Natural Resources Defense Council) the "weather has been rapidly changing over the past 50 years." Ever since the year 2000, temperatures have been increasing, warming the planet one year at a time.
Although there is some indication that global warming may be coming to a "slow," it is still occurring.
The source and cause of our planet being heated? The burning of fossil fuels.
Living in a modern era, this burning of fossil fuels is the most effective way to help us function.
If you need an example of the weather being warm at odd times of the year, take a look at the month of February, but specifically the week of February 19 to 25.
The average temperature from February is a high of 41 degrees and a low of 24 degrees.
When you look at the 19th through the 25th, the average temperature was around 65 degrees for a high and low of 42 degrees.
Global warming is a topic that is rarely talked about, but one that happens to be occurring every day.
NRDC gives 10 ways to help stop global warming and simply brings it to people's attention on how to better our planet. Things such as eat healthier foods, walk more, invest in smarter appliances and watch your carbon footprint. The link can be found below.
Global Warming 101:
How to Stop Global Warming: