Little Do you know Night time Is war time.
I feel like The enemy of God is saying, "I'm gonna make you mine."
The worst part is when war time starts fitting the day.
Like please please just go away.
At times I feel like I'm losing this war
Honestly I don't know if I've won or lost any of the battle before.
I'm really trying not to be influenced by such negative thoughts,
but sometimes I feel like I should just take a shot.
I feel so alone even though I know God is with me,
but too many times I just feel so empty.
I sin so much why should I even be alive?
Sometimes I wonder if I should die
No, I don't plan on doing something that dumb.
Although, at times I feel like out of all the choices I have that is the only one.
I want to get better I really do.
It's just that no matter what I try nothing gets through.
I'm not alone but I feel like I should be
I don't deserve all those people who are close to me.
I want to cut everyone off,
because I really don't feel good enough.
Compliments don't ever work.
I hate not knowing if people mean the nice things they say I feel like a jerk
I wonder what life would be with out me
I picture happy faces from sea to sea
No, I'm not going do do anything stupid
I really want to feel loved and not the kind from Cupid.
I just want to feel loved in general,
but something inside thinks that's something I don't deserve or can't handle.
I feel like such a bother to the ones I'm close to
I really need to Listen to what God says to do.
He says "I'm with you until the end of time"
I know that but still I always seem to whine,
because at night is war time.
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