First, let me start with the definition of tolerance. According to, tolerance is “a fair, objective and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., that differ from one's own." Here is something that tolerance is not — not having an opposing opinion. Nowhere in that definition did it say that a person had to agree with another person’s beliefs. That is not what tolerance is.
Now let’s define intolerance. Once again, according to, intolerance is “lack of tolerance; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect opinions or beliefs contrary to one's own." Now where in that definition did it say that having a differing opinion or an opinion directly opposed to another persons was intolerant? You can have completely opposing opinions with someone, not agree with them and still be tolerant. In fact, it is within both definitions. In order to be tolerant you must have a different opinion that what you are tolerating.
What has our generation done with this word? Instead of meaning what it actually means, tolerance has shifted and morphed to mean agreeing with what society has deemed “right." If you have an opinion that challenges or contrasts what society deems as the “right opinion” then you are intolerant, and your opinion holds no weight. That, in and of itself, is intolerant.
What is this doing to society? It is taking the backbone out of people. It is taking the desire and quest for truth out of society. People are afraid of voicing their opinions for fear of disgrace or rejection. The point of this article is to bring about the idea of opinions. People have opinions for a reason. No one just believes something for kicks and giggles. Here is my question to those of you who call people intolerant. What makes their opinion any better or worse than yours? Is it bad because it’s not your own?
Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly intolerant people in this world. I used to be one of them. They exist, and they yell very loudly, but let’s not let the mistakes of the few constitute the views of the many. Here is what I am proposing. I am proposing a war on tolerance. I am proposing an end to a generation who values tolerance over everything, and I am proposing a new era of opinions.
I would love nothing more than to meet someone with a differing view than I hold and say, “Why don’t we get coffee and figure this out?" I want to live in a society where I can sit down with someone and ask them questions about why they believe what they believe and have people ask me questions without things being hostile or with the intent of proving each other wrong. I want to be able to take my opinions and have someone challenge me and figure out if that is what I truly think. Let’s stop this intolerant nonsense and start having conversations instead of shutting down everything that is contrary to what you think.