This world is indeed a battlefield. It is filled with minefields, traps, bombs, and explosions just waiting for us to step on them or pull the proverbial chain and explode. Lies, adultery, anger, lust, gossip, things we may do every day pull us in to this war. Satan throws IED's of sin our way, plants them in our minds, and uses them to pull us away from victory. Instead of fighting against him, however, we fight each other.
We use what Satan has given us instead of what God has and fight one another. Be it politics, policies, or smaller scale issues, we fight. We make war against each other instead of the one who set the war in motion in the first place. We make war against ourselves. We get angry at how God made us, the life we are living, or the circumstances we are in, yet instead of rebelling against our surroundings and making a difference, we war against ourselves. In an old song by Tedashi, John Piper says,
"I hear so many Christians, murmuring.. about their imperfections and their failures, and their addictions and their shortcomings and I see so little war? Murmur murmur murmur… 'why am I this way?' Make War?" (Tedashi)
Why do we make war against what really needs to be fought? Babies are murdered every day and porn runs rampant ruining people's lives. In an effort not to be conformed to the world we sit back. After all, "there are people working on it. Someone will do something about it, I'll donate some money, but I don't want to get involved."
"Make War."
Ponder on these lyrics:
"Never giving up, steady standing on the battlefield. Feet firm to the ground like I stepped on Chapel Hill."
Stand firm. The victory ultimately belongs to Christ so what do we have to fear?
"I make waaarrr cause sin never sleeps its got me in a trance you can see it in my dreams." It is everywhere. You cannot escape it or run from it.
Our sin nature is a part of us that isn't going away, but what we do with what we have is what matters. How we react when people disagree with us- will we make war against the issue or the person? How about when we see an injustice like abortion? Will we make war against the women having them or the clinics promoting abortions? Will we fight against porn? Will we make war against the things that are darkening the world or will we 'murmur' and remain complacent? It is a question we all must ask ourselves. We have the weapons given to us in Ephesians.
The Armor of God is at our fingertips. We only need to take it and, armor up, and fight. Make war against not the sin not the sinner.