Here's to the people like me. The ones who wish they could save the whole world. To the ones whose hearts ache because there is so much hurt, but so little of you to fix it. To the ones who wish they could do more. To the ones who always give their entire heart to something but can't imagine giving it to only one thing. To the ones whose passion is overwhelming. To the ones who have spent so many nights awake, wondering what they could do. To the ones who have emotion that they can't even explain. To the ones who sit behind their computer screens, willing the words of their passions to pour out, but not knowing where to start. Here's to you.
You wish you could save the whole world. You wish you could take every broken person and put them back together. You wish you could fix every problem. But, you can't. And that hurts you so much. That hurts you almost as much as the hurts of the world hurt you.
When you were little, you wanted to be a superhero and save the world. But, now you've grown up and come to realize you can't be a superhero. Because nobody can save the whole world. Despite the fact that you want to, and you'll fight so hard to.
You hurt for everyone and everything that happens in the world that you see as unjust or unfair. But, you also hurt because you can't solve it. You can't fix it. You can make an effort, but you can't solve anything. And you hurt because you want to give your entire heart to a cause, but you can't decide which cause to give it to, because you want to give it to them all. And giving it to only one makes you feel that you have neglected all the others, even if you really haven't.
You have passion and emotion. Passion for changing the world. Your friends see that, and they have told you to start something. Start a movement, start something to be a change. But, you can't. You can't because God hasn't given you the gifts to be able to lead a cause, he hasn't provided you the abilities you need to in order to be an effective leader. And that may hurt the most. Because you have the passion and the drive, but not the abilities. You have a servant's heart, and the ability to encourage and support, but you can not see yourself taking charge. (Although, maybe you will someday, you never know.) But, you have passion, and that's important.
At times, it's incredibly overwhelming. You return from a missions trip and suddenly want to adopt thousands of children, move to another country, spread God's love and your passion for whatever, and help them in any way possible. But, you can't. Because you want to do it in every country, not just the one you returned from. And, you can't actually adopt all the kids in the world, even if you want to. You read about atrocities happening all over the world and you want to fix them all. You want to say, "here's a solution," and have it work, you want to be the glue that holds the world together. You experience suffering, and you want to fill the entire world with joy, and love, and flowers. But, you can't.
Once, after one of my particularity difficult "I want to save the world!" moments, my friend gave me some seemingly helpful advice. He said, "Take things one step at a time. It's true we can't solve all the worlds' problems, but we can make a difference and help make the world a better place." And that's great advice, but to be honest, for people like us, that advice does nothing. It means nothing. It's not even close to helpful. But, I took the advice. I took a step back and reflected. I realized that, although it's difficult to hear, it's true. We can't save the entire world. We can't fix it all. But, we can fix something. We can do something. We can fix someone's world.
And, I know that doesn't sound like a lot. I know that doesn't feel like enough. And, maybe it's not. We may want to be Superman, we may want to fly around the world fixing all its problems. But, superheros only exist in movies. And dreams. Our dreams.
In our own dreams, we are superheros. And, it is the dreams of people like us who will change the world. It's the dreams of those of us who have the dream of changing the world that will change the world. Even if we ourselves do not have the ability to change the world. It's in our dreams that others find their inspiration. And inspiration leads to actions. And actions lead to our support and undying passion.
So, to the one who wishes she could change the world: don't stop trying. Don't stop fighting. Don't stop inspiring others. And, it's okay to take it one step at a time, even when it feels like that one step is nothing in the grand marathon before you. Because it's good to care about what's going on in the world and it's good to have a passion for fixing it. And the world needs people like you. So, share your passions with those who can help you save the world. Step back. Breathe. Dream. You won't change the entire world, but one day, you'll fight hard enough and change someone's entire world.