During the first semester of college, every new school year consists of getting back into a routine and living break to break. Fall Break comes and you can't wait for Thanksgiving Break. After that, you push through finals because you know the long Winter Break is upon you. It's a constant battle of having the time of your life, but constantly wishing for a day off of classes...or even to have a week to do nothing. Second semester comes and you're looking forward to Spring Break. After that, you've had a taste of warm weather and you just. can't. wait. for. summer.
I was one of those people this year. I was so excited to wrap up another successful school year. I was ready to dump the books, and exchange them for suitcases. I was ready to hangout with friends, who I hadn't seen much during the year. I was ready to live out my dream by studying abroad (although the class itself was very time consuming). What I realized this summer, however, was how much I love routine. This summer hasn't had a lot of it for me, and now the thought of a class schedule seems almost dreamy.
This summer has been a lot of "news" for me. New friendships were formed, new outlooks were gained, and a new schedule was given to me. I've loved every second of the new things in my life, but is that why my internal clock is going crazy? Is this a bad thing to always want to be on a schedule and a routine?
Throughout the school year, I plan. I plan my days, I plan my hours, and I fill my calendar up with dates, club commitments, and exams and quizzes I need to study for. What I've come to realize is that I work well busy. Who would have thought? If I pencil myself in a couple hours to get an assignment done, you're going to get the most focused side of me, instead of spending the whole day trying to work on it, with some plans or Netflix in between. I've come to the realization that being out and about, meeting with people, being in charge and held responsible for certain tasks, is what I love best. I am driven when I know that others rely on me. I am driven when I know that my hard work will be rewarded when I see my GPA at the end of the semester. I work well in parameters, and now that I know it, I can work to implement it even on college breaks in the future.
I have never been more ready to start school again. Yep, I said it; and I know I am going to regret it within a month back into the school year. Why? Because we always want what we can't have. It may be a shame, but right now, I can't stand another day feeling sluggish. I can't wait to be flooded with emails, and I can't wait for the organizational side of my mind to thrive when planning. If I'm not doing something educational, I begin to miss it.
I like to be pushed in my thinking. I like routine. I like planning, and I have missed that this summer...help a girl out, and let's get back to the books.