I am glad that the United Kingdom made the decision to leave the EU. From a political standpoint and a personal perspective, I wished nothing less from a country with a long history of westernized thought and practice. The concept of independence in such a connected world is fleeting, with more and more countries abandoning independence in exchange for globalization, which at first seems like an altruistic trade-off, but in reality creates problems of self-interest.
I would want to congratulate the Brits who voted in favor to Leave, but the current hostile media atmosphere and the ideology-shaming running rampant on both sides forces me to address criticism before addressing accomplishment. It's a shame that such vocal minorities like the racists in the UK Independence Party and the global news media could further divide the UK instead of uniting it after their vote for independence.
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The Internet seemed to explode in reaction to the results of the Brexit vote, mostly the fact that it didn't go in their favor. Within the first 24 hours post-Brexit, news organizations ran stories on Brexit as if the world had officially started ending, which you may have actually believed if you were a globalist. Conflicting moods in the headlines, with examples like "Grieve for Europe" and "Birth of a New Britain", illustrated just how partisan establishment news media could be. They were simply adding to the hysteria, making out the problems or successes of Brexit to be worse or better than what they actually are, ensuring they were one of the few industries that didn't suffer economically immediately after the vote heard 'round the world.
The news media universe also lambasted the Brits who voted out, painting the 17.4 Million who voted to leave as idiots who acted first and thought later.
Not super into American commentators mocking the voters in England who just voted for Brexit like they're a bunch of morons.
— Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) June">https://twitter.com/chrislhayes/status/74637242685... 24, 2016
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News media were making exaggerated connections between Brexit and the far-right. John Oliver spent a great deal of time on his show linking Brexit with racist sentiments and the far-right UK Independence Party and their leader Nigel Farage, despite the party being a fringe group with less than 50,000 members, meaning they would have been less than a half of one percent of the Leave vote, had they all showed up to polls and all voted to leave. Samantha Bee addressed the same points on her show, even using some of the same video, either for lack of more examples or because they are members of the same oligarchy that spurned from John Stewart's Daily Show alumni.
It may be off-putting to be accompanied by such strange bedfellows like Farage and his ilk, but it doesn't make half of the UK far-right racists by association. Additionally:
It isn't fascist to want to protect your own border.
It isn't racist to want more limits on immigration.
It isn't anarchy to be against bureaucracy.
It isn't bigoted to see fundamental problems with foreign cultures.
And lastly, it isn't "low-information" to be against the principles of an organization despite its benefits.
Simply trying to disprove the connection between racism and 17.4 million voters and fail to address the racism that has shown up post-Brexit would be appalling. By no means do I condone racism or hatred, and those who advocated to leave using hate speech and violence DO NOT represent my views, and they certainly don't represent the views of the majority who voted to leave.
For millennials against big government, they should see Brexit as a victory for libertarian values. Regulations and Bureaucrats are the natural enemies of Libertarianism, which is what motivated many Brits to want out of the EU in the first place. The biggest problem with us libertarians voicing our views and voting in our favor, however, is that they become strawmen to accuse of racism, Islamophobia, and general hatred, when in reality this is far from the truth.
Congratulations, United Kingdom, hopefully you become an example of the new future for Europe.