On The Importance of Voting
Many Americans may not have agreed with all the decisions the Bush administration made, but one thing many of us can agree on is this: at least his campaign for the presidency had some semblance of dignity in it. Sure, there were all those television commercials saying all the reasons we should not vote for his running mate followed by the phrase “I am George Bush and I approve this message” but that is just common practice nowadays.
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But dignity apparently has no place in the election of 2016. Apparently, dignity has been replaced with racism, sexism, misogyny, islamophobia, homophobia, idiocy, and just plain bad taste. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the phrases “the lesser of two evils” “there are no good options” “if Donald Trump wins the presidency I’m leaving the country” “I thought Donald was a joke at first. But now I’m really scared.” “He makes me so mad. He’s disgusting.” “Hilary is a murderer. But I guess I’d rather have her over Trump.” “This whole election is embarrassing.”
But honestly, if you are saying these phrases you are part of the problem. People have died so we have the right to vote. Around the world, people are still dying, because they are fighting for their right to vote. While it can seem futile, why I understand where this sense of apathy is coming from, I just want you to check your privilege and remember some things.
First, your vote matters. Going to rallies, posting political cartoons on social media, and putting a “Feel the Bern 2016” bumper sticker is not going to do anything of substance. What is going to do something substantial? Learning what an absentee ballot is. Coming to the realization that the only way to actually change things, is for enough people to vote. Seriously, just go vote.
Another thing, people seem to be forgetting amidst all of Donald Trump’s lawsuits, inflammatory remarks, and racist and sexist rallies? That you really are not forced between a rock and a hard place (even though it feels like it). This sense of fatalism is almost as dangerous as the aforementioned sense of apathy. Remember: there are other people running for this presidency, people who are much better and let’s be honest: less insane. Gary Johnson. Jill Stein. Tim Kaine. Mike Pence. Derrell Castle. Scott Bradley. Bill Weld (who is from Massachusetts by the way.) Here’s a list of candidates beyond the ones I just mentioned: http://www.politics1.com/p2016.htm
So stop, just STOP saying how horrible it would be to live in a Trump or Hillary world because you don’t have to live in that world. Your vote matters. So go cast in. Every vote you waste is a life wasted on you in the fight for freedom.