The Siamese Fighting Fish, also known as the betta fish are incredibly unique and you'll never find two exactly alike. I have owned betta fish for the past 6 years and I have loved them from day one. My first betta I ever bought by myself was a small, bright pink betta with flecks of purple on his body. I had no intention of buying a betta but when I saw him at Petco I made the decision I would buy a betta. That is when I became a betta mom.
(Sousa in 2012)
After buying Sousa I ended up buying another betta who I named Jerome. People thought I was quite odd for owning two bettas but that didn't stop me. Throughout the years I've owned up to four betta fish at a time. Yes, it's odd. Currently, I have three and I do not plan on growing my finned family. Sousa stuck it out with me for four years and Jerome for three. They traveled back and forth across the state from college to home multiple times throughout the years. They were good travel companions. It was quite a sad time when I had to send Sousa to the porcelain bowl in the sky but after four years it was time to say goodbye.
So now to my main purpose for this article, I am writing this because I want to explain why everyone should own a betta fish.
1. They are extremely easy to care for.
(Jerome 2013)
Feed them, clean their tanks, repeat. There's not much else to it. They are resilient fish and if you forget to feed them for a day or two they are typically okay. (I do not condone forgetting to feed them.)
2. They are extremely unique
Bettas come in almost every shape and color. And if you did not know there are many different types of betta fish. Check out this website to get a general idea .
3. They may change their appearance.
Yes, they may change. Above is a picture of Sousa after one year of owning him. If you look back to the first picture you'll see that he was nearly completely pink. It's fun because you will never know how your betta will change.
4. They are quite the fashion statement
Bettas add a fun atmosphere to your room, workplace or anywhere else you may want them. My personal betta fish clan isn't as pretty as the one featured above but they definitely add more of a home feel to my room.
5. And most importantly, they all have their own individual personality.
Call me strange, but I am being completely serious. Throughout the last six years, I've owned 9 bettas and each one of them was unique. Some are much more lively while others are mellow. Like any other pet, bettas also show personality.
I'm sure that any of you reading this is probably thinking that I'm a weird fish enthusiast which I wouldn't deny. However, I am completely serious when I say that if you want a pet, get a betta fish. They will provide more entertainment than a simple goldfish but not as needy as a dog. Yes, I am a betta mom, but do I mind? Of course not!