I want to be great. Not the kind of great where you just think it's pretty cool, but the head-turning, legendary kind of great. Kobe Bryant levels of greatness. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I think a lot of people want to be stellar at everything they do, myself included. Where the problem comes in is when we examine our motives for being so great. When our motives for wanting to be great become selfish and inwardly focused, then we have a problem.
Everything goes back to God. God is the greatest being that has been and ever will be. We can't even scratch the surface of how great He is. So why even try to be good at anything? For Him. It's all for Him. When we practice, prepare, and train to be great and finally accomplish something that could be considered great, where do we normally put all the credit? Ourselves. Who should the credit really go to? God. He gave us the abilities to do what we do. He gave us the resources to make something spectacular happen. As a matter of fact, I would dare say that we deserve no credit whatsoever. Without God, we're nothing. May we remember that.
I want to pursue greatness. I really do. I also want to give God my best effort and try my absolute hardest to give Him as much glory as possible. When we become great at a skill, our Father is glorified as long as we remember who gave us the talents and abilities to do such things.
My hope is that when we do something out of the ordinary, something incredible, or something that people thought we wouldn't be able to do, we give credit where credit is due; God. It all goes back to Him. May we pursue greatness with the motive of glorifying Him. Much love and God bless.