Am I Asking For Too Much?
They say patience is a virtue. Well, my patience is running incredibly thin.
Welcome to the 21st century concepts of romance: Tinder, Instagram likes from 34 weeks ago, Snap streaks, and drunk phone calls after 2 am on the weekends.
I was in a long-term relationship in high school that lasted into my first year or two of college. I have not been in a committed relationship since then. Now, this is not for a lack of trying. I could never seem to play “the game” the right way. Girls today have to sit here and think:
“Am I the only one?”
“Should I text first?”
“Omg, he texted me. Let me wait an hour or two before I answer so I don’t look pathetic.”
“He opened my snap, but didn’t text me back. Wtf.”
“Wow, he really pissed me off, but we’re not technically together so I can’t say anything.”
… the list continues.
I have been the rebound, the “other girl”, the girl before THE girl, a bet, I have even been friendzoned. What I can’t understand is, why is our generation so accepting of the BS games, and so afraid of titles or real commitment?
As a 21 year old, independent girl, I have realized that I am done with the mind games and I crave something more. I crave something real, and someone worth investing my time.
To the girls in my position, I urge you to consider what you deserve and not settle until you are treated the way you want to be treated.
Wait until you find the man that wants to take you out to dinner, or breakfast even. Wait for the guy that treats you with respect and compassion 100% of the time.
Don’t waste your time with the guy that outright tells you he doesn’t want a girlfriend. Don’t try to change the “bad guy”, you will get hurt. Don’t hook up with the guy who just got out of a relationship. Don’t hook up with the guy who tries to rush you.
Your mind, your intelligence, and your life goals should be just as, if not more important, than the level of attraction you share with another person.
I have decided that I am not asking for too much. I deserve to receive back all that I am willing to give. I deserve someone that wants from me what I want from them, without wondering what the hell is going on.
I may not know where my “prince charming” is, but ladies, don’t settle. He’s out there.