Being there for other people has always been my passion. I was raised to put others before myself and help in any way I can. I have always taken pride in being the one my friends and peers can come to with any problems they may have. I don't really like to talk about myself too much, because I would rather see other people getting the help and guidance they need to be the person they want to be. I may not have as much life experience yet as I hope to have in my future, but I would like to think that the experiences I have had have made me a better person, and have helped make a reality out of my goal to help people in every way I can.
Unfortunately, at some points in my life, I have been surrounded by some people who have not always had it easy. Some of the people who have been very close to me have been in some tricky and tough situations, and they got into some dark places. I have never wanted these people to have to go into their challenges alone. I never wanted my friends to get into predicaments that they would have to face without anyone to guide them. I have always wanted to be the protector and keeper of secrets and the some of the darkest parts of people that they don't always like to share. I want to always be there for people, at any hour and any time, no matter what I have going on in my own life. Life is tough, and I don't want anyone to feel like they are alone in fighting their demons. Even if I don't always have the proper advice or guidance, I will be by their side while they find the correct way to handle this situation that is testing them.
On a happier note, I have also taken great pleasure in helping many people I love through some times that have brought them great joy. I get excited and giddy when I can help somebody towards a positive outlook, and an overall better future for themselves. In life there are options you are faced with that help to bring you to a better situation and make you feel better about yourself. Making choices doesn't always have to be negative. I love to help people through exciting times and keep them going through the times when they feel they can't push on anymore. Its important to give someone a shoulder to lean on, and a hand to help them up, and an ear to listen to what they have to say.
I feel like if I can help my loved ones, then I can conquer the world. There is so much negativity and pessimism in the society we live in today, and I wish to break down some of those barriers in my time here on earth. I would like to make efforts to notice people and make their issues as important and valuable to me, as this person is to me. I believe if you help others, other will help you too, even when you're not expecting it. Helping people and caring for others is my passion and I can't wait to help people I encounter for the rest of my career hopefully. I want to be the light in the dark and the hand that guides someone along the path that they may not be too sure of. At the end of the day, life is too short to be too harsh to someone, or to let someone you know and love walk through their path alone. In helping others, I may find answers for my own problems as well.