The idea of graduating college a semester early can seem like a nightmare to some, but to others it seems like a natural choice. Graduating from college early, while seemingly daunting, actually has a lot of benefits. If you’re considering doing this, here are some of the pros of graduating a semester early.
1.You save money.
We all know this: college is not cheap. At all. One of the best perks of graduating early is that you save a semester's worth of tuition and other college expenses.
2. You get a head start in the real world.
When you graduate early, you get to start searching for jobs while all your classmates are still busy in school. Applying for jobs in January and February gives you a less competitive job market. When May and June rolls around and all of your former classmates are applying for jobs, you’ll already have had months of experience.
3. You have time to relax. You’re done!
No more homework for you! While you have to get a start on the job search eventually you don’t necessarily need to start right away. You can take some time for yourself and appreciate all the free time you now have.
4. You don’t have to miss out on college events entirely.
Just because you graduate early, doesn’t mean you can’t go back to your school and see friends and participate in event. You don’t want to miss out on everything and now that you have more free time you can participate on these events easily!
5. You’ll appreciate the time you have at school more.
Knowing you won’t get anymore weekends at school, and that your time is running low, you’ll appreciate your time at school so much more. While it can be sad to think of it like this, you’ll be able to cherish the experiences you have that much more.
6. You don’t really experience senioritis.
While some may be feeling the senioritis when springtime rolls around, your eye is on the prize and that prize is graduating. You won’t really have time to experience senioritis, which is great for your motivation.
7. You become a real adult.
When people ask what you are doing with your life, you no longer have to say “I’m in school.” You get to become a real adult and all the freedom that comes with it.
8. If you want to go to graduate school, you have more time to focus on studying for entrance exams.
Once again, you’ll be able to use all your free time that you now have to put all your efforts towards studying for your entrance exams. You won’t have any other classes to get in the way, so you know you’ll ace this
9. You get more life options.
If you don’t want to get right into the “real world” you can get more life experience in different ways. You can travel, see the world if you want. You can do whatever your heart desires.
10. You’ll have more experience with “real world stuff.”
You’ll have a lot more experience with not only professional things, like interviews and applications, and cover letters, but you’ll also have more experience with other stuff too. By the time your friends are graduated you’ll be a pro.
11. Graduating early demonstrates your motivation.
Graduating early isn’t for everyone, but if you’re able to pull it off you’ll demonstrate to others the motivation you have and that you can put in hard work to get things done.