I want my daughter to have the life that she deserves, and wants. Here's a list of 25 things that I want my future daughter to know.
1. You can tell me anything.
2. Your happiness and mental health is the most important.
3. Live for you, and only you.
4. Please follow your heart.
5. Life after high school flies by.
6. Not going to college is ok.
7. Friends will come and go.
8. I’ll try anything with you, at least one time.
9. You can ask me anything, and I will give you an honest, and complete answer.
10. My mistakes are never YOUR mistakes.
11. I’m here for hugs, even when you want to scream at me.
12. I will never be mad at you, for doing what’s best for YOU.
13. Own your own body.
14. Know that beauty, is truly within, and it’s truly what you make it.
15. Always be kind, even when people aren’t anything but unkind to you.
16. Treat everyone with respect.
17. Don’t ever let anyone talk down to you.
18. Believe in yourself.
19. If you drink and drive, I will beat your ass.
20. Travel the world.
21. If you lose yourself, work on finding yourself, before you try to fix someone else
22. Smile, always.
23. Listen to your favorite music, even at the most inappropriate times.
24. Love everything that you can.
25. Know that I’ll always love you, no matter what.