I want to be organized. I want so desperately to have a nice planner that's neat, put together, and understandable. But I'm a scatterbrain. My mind is a drunk circle on a train. And I know a lot of people can relate. These are the 6 things that I know to be true as someone who is highly unorganized, but pretends to have it all together.
1. Where is ...?
I cannot count the amount of times I have lost everything. My phone, my wallet, car keys, money, papers, books, clothing, shoes, my sanity. I lose everything. And most of the time, it's exactly where I last put it, but where was that again? I'm worse than a drunk person losing their phone while struggling into bed, and I'm 100% sober.
2. My Planner is CHAOS
It's beautiful chaos because there are tons of scribbles and colors, but still -chaos. I want it to make sense, but it takes me longer to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing for what class, that I think I should just stick to keeping my syllabi from each class in one binder that's clearly labeled, "check and do each day!"
3. I have tons of ideas... I just can't formulate them
It's literally like being on a train that's going in a drunken circle. Have you ever tried to explain something to someone when you have no idea if the words coming out of your mouth are remotely human, not to mention intelligible?
4. You don't have enough time for everything
No matter how you attempt to plan your time, there always ends up being not enough hours in the day, because you planned something wrong, double-booked, or just completely lost track of time while you were blabbing about everything under the sun.
5. Everything has a specific place, but it's not normal
When I was in the dorm my freshman year, I had a roommate that was entirely the opposite of me when it came to organization. She was organized. I was a wanna be. Everything looked perfect in her area, clothes were ordered right (by color), and things were folded neatly, and stacked appropriately. Walk into my room now, and it's literally chaos. It makes no sense how I organize my room, that you would literally think it wasn't organized at all. But it is. Ha ha, secret number one, we organize in a weird chaotic way, like the rest of our lives.
6. You have alarms for everything
Remember how I said you lose track of time, and forget everything?! Well, my phone has alarms for different events every single day, because otherwise, who knows, I would end up at work when I'm supposed to be at the gym, or end up on a coffee date, when I'm supposed to be at work. Oops?