I Want To Be A Pi Beta Phi, Don't You? | The Odyssey Online
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I Want To Be A Pi Beta Phi, Don't You?

People often ask me, "Why did you join Pi Phi?" Well, the answer is simple; that is where I found my home.

I Want To Be A Pi Beta Phi, Don't You?

For many of us, we wouldn't know our college experience without Greek life. It's not everything you see in the movies. Actually, my experience in Greek life has been nothing like you see in the movies. Of course, you'll find your stereotypical sororities and fraternities, and stereotypical sorority girls and frat boys in them. You know exactly what I'm referring to. I'm not what I would consider a stereotypical sorority girl; I didn't own any Lilly Pulitzer clothing, any pairs of Jack Rogers sandals, didn't have bleach blonde hair and I wasn't skinny when I went through recruitment. However, not every sorority cares about all that. That's where I found my home, in a non-stereotypical, completely unique sorority: Pi Beta Phi.

There is no mold. My sisters and I take pictures, and we all look different. You don't have to fit a certain image or mold to be a Pi Phi. Don't get me wrong, my sisters in not only my chapter, but chapters all over the country, are drop dead gorgeous, but that isn't our focus. We care more about who a woman is as a person rather than if she looks and dresses a certain way.

Genuine sisterhood. I hear so many girls in other sororities talk about their sisters behind their backs, or complain about them. You can tell when people are putting up a front and when people are genuine. I know that any of my sisters would come to rescue in a heartbeat. Sure, we all don't get along 100 percent of the time; that's hard with so many girls together, but we work through our issues to build a stronger sisterhood.

Read->Lead->Achieve. Our philanthropy is all about promoting literacy. We get to go to elementary schools and help struggling students with their reading. Have you ever seen a child's face light up when they finally understand something? It is such a rewarding feeling to know that you are helping to build a strong foundation for this child. Not to mention that we get to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday!

We're angels. Literally. Angels are very closely associated with Pi Phi, which makes for a pretty cool mascot. Of everything we could be, I wouldn't want to be anything but an angel. You can easily find so much stuff that has to do with angels. Also, you have to admit, it leads to a pretty awesome hand sign. Throwing up wings always makes for a good picture.

Notable alums. I could list off name after name of women who have been part of this organization and gone on to do amazing things, but I won't. Women in sports, politics, law, medicine, writing and acting have all been Pi Phis. A former Miss America was a Pi Phi. Jennifer Garner and Jenna Dewan-Tatum are both Pi Phis. We have alumni all across the country, which aids in making connections after college.

Wine and silver blue. Maybe it's just me, but the colors wine and silver blue go together like peanut butter and jelly. They aren't bright and in your face; rather, they're slightly more sophisticated. You can't go wrong with either of these colors. If you're shopping in the right season, you can find a plethora of stuff in both of these colors.

When I was going through recruitment to find my forever home, I was looking for girls who would accept me for exactly who I am. Girls who won't judge me if I come into our suite in sweatpants and yesterday's makeup. Girls who are always there if you need a little extra boost or a shoulder to cry on. Without Pi Phi, I wouldn't be the person I am today, and my college experience would not be the same. I wanna be a Pi Beta Phi, don't you?

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