Wanderlust: (noun) a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about
As I’m about to turn 18 and starting to become my own person, I’d say wanderlust is something I’ve been feeling more than ever lately. I’ve been thinking intensely of what I want from my life and it didn’t take long for me to decide that I want to fill it with experiences and happiness. Traveling in my opinion is one of the most important, and beautiful, things you can do. I say that lightly though, as I haven’t gotten the chance to experience too much of it yet. That’s when the term wanderlust really comes to mind, because as much as I lack in travel experience, it occupies my mind most of the day.
I have been lucky enough with my dance team to travel along the east coast of America seeing much of the southern states: Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and even one time, Ohio. These have all been great experiences but it’s all I have. This little glimpse of what’s only 12 hours from my house makes me so curious as to what else is out there. I hope one day to fulfill the Katy Perry dream of being a west coast “California Girl” but more importantly, I’d love to travel over seas. My friends have gotten many opportunities to travel and explore other parts of the world and their pictures, stories, and lets not forget the souvenirs they bring back for me, give me so much joy. The thought of new currencies, languages, and cultures sparks an intense curiosity in me. I hope by the time I’m old and gray I can tell stories from every continent on this earth, even Antarctica. My bucket list contains an extensive vacation to Europe to see all of the countries all in hours distance of each other, snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, exploring the jungles of South America, and even living in an igloo part time with the Eskimos in Antarctica.
It’s a strange feeling to have so much interest in places that you’ve only seen pictures of. Being a shy person my whole life, I think traveling would help me grow immensely as a person and perhaps that’s where my desire to explore stems from. I think traveling makes you stand on your own feet because it pushes you out of your comfort zone. I’d like to think getting a taste of all of the foreign languages and lifestyles across the world makes a person more compassionate and tolerant, which is something everyone could use a bit more of. Accomplishing new tasks gives you knowledge, the one thing no one can take away from you, the strongest tool you are given. I hope to gain as much knowledge as I can, from as many people as I can, all over the world.
As I mentioned at the beginning I want to fill my life with experiences. I want to grow as a person and always adjust what I feel is my best self. All I could ask for in this life is happiness.... And a passport full of stamps.