I see pictures of places that are so beautiful that I cannot wait till I have enough money to travel to those places. I want to go everywhere possible. I want to meet all the people that live there and see how they live and what they do for fun.
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Havasu Falls is in the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The water is some of the clearest water there is. You hike for 12 miles before you reach this beautiful destination. There is a campground right next to the falls that you can stay in. I cannot wait to see this in person and be able to take pictures and to experience this with my own eyes. In life I think we need to see some breathtaking things to be able to appreciate life more.
Amsterdam, I cannot wait to be able to see this in person. I’m very interested in seeing all of the streets and to just be in the atmosphere. I want to go to the Anne frank house and see where they hid all those years ago and see how small of a place they fit so many people in. And it would be nice to just see Amsterdam at night with all the street lights on and just to take in everything.
The mountains have always been a super special place to me, they have always calmed me and made me appreciate things in my life. If I could live there or buy a house in mountains like these I would. I would love to take a path like this to my house and to just be around all of the scenery. Pictures like this show me the wonder of mother nature. She can create the most beautiful things in life. And that is such an important thing.
This is the Olympic State Park in Washington, it is such a beautiful place with so many different climates and different temperatures that you can go through. It is such a beautiful place and want to go see it one day. I want to travel the world and see all of its beautiful sights.
This the historic downtown of Nova Scotia, Canada. I love learning about history therefore I would love to go here and be able to learn about the history and to be able to see the sights. History has always been very interesting to me and I love being able to go to places and learn about what happened there. I love the way the buildings look in this picture. If I could build my house to look somewhat like this, I would be in love with it. It looks so peaceful and I cannot wait to go here.
Florence, Italy. It is such a beautiful place, the streets are always filled with people and has such a wonderful atmosphere about it. Italy just has this feel to it that I can’t describe, but I can’t wait to visit and be able to see it in person. I just wanted to share some of the places I would like to go in my life. I hope you like them!