Do it. Go out and see everything there is to see. Experience everything that you can while you can. If the issue is financial, find a different way. Follow every dream that you have ever had and persevere to reach your goals. Find a way that allows you to fulfill everything that you have striven for. Seek every sight and travel in any way that you have dreamed of and are able to.
Whether it is traveling as far as a road trip up to the North Shore or flying completely across the world, experience new cultures and touch complete strangers’ lives. You can do anything in order to see your life in the most amazing way, in the most amazing places. Fall in love with completely random communities in diverse areas. Take pictures and do whatever you can to find a place that brings you to full happiness. Try new foods, volunteer, live new lives and create situations for yourself that are completely unique to you that only you can understand the meaning of.
Do not settle for one place, having only one simple part of yourself exposed. Find a way to change lives and show every part of your soul to various people around you. Go to that little coffee shop on the corner and talk to the dailies while they get their typical order of a poppy seed muffin and large black coffee. Drive to the city and just watch the people walking by to their cubicle job from an ordinary park bench. Gain a new perspective on life from talking to the families at a local food shelter and learn about their personal goals and fears. Do not be afraid to go too far because you should never have to settle for something less than you are capable of. Every new experience, new thought and new memory is traveling to somewhere completely out of your routine.
Find a spontaneous and wanderlustful friend who is willing to plan a trip to the art museum all dressed up or who will pick you up in your PJ’s at 2 a.m. to find a place to watch the stars. Bring your mom to her favorite restaurant and try ordering for each other while laughing about how difficult it is to predict someone else’s taste. Bring your dad to his favorite team’s game and watch him beam over them, all while listening to his stories about watching games with his own father. Drive to your best friend’s house just to hear them vent about their day and say hi to that little girl who looks up to you and just wishes to be noticed by you.
Pay attention to the little details throughout your day that make you—the details that make your life the way it is. Find time to watch the sun set and rise and to listen to the loons at night or the robins chirping in the morning. Go on a run or watch sappy, romantic movies on a rainy day. Be who you are and live life how you want to in order to travel every day to the place that makes you the happiest. On any given day, this could range from lounging in bed to being in the ocean to walking down the city streets.
Run through a field of sunflowers and get completely indulged in your favorite book while reading on the porch. Binge watch a whole season of "Grey’s Anatomy" and then spend the whole night staying up and hearing a new friend’s outlook on their decisions in life. Appreciate those little things and never stop noticing them. Pay for the person behind you in the Starbucks' line just to make their day a little bit easier and have them know that someone is looking out for them. Look up Bible verses and find inspiration in the quotes that you admire. Lay outside on a dock just watching the infinite waves and noticing how small you are compared to the world around you.
Remember how different your world would be without certain events or people and remember how much there is that you can change in your life in order to be the best person you can be. Travel, travel, travel. Every new occurrence or improbable event that you come across, take part in it. Every single one of these things causes your mind to travel to a new world that you may have never imagined and makes you a different person than you were the minute before. Be who you are and don’t take any opportunity or person for granted. Always be kind and stay as humble as possible. Be the best sibling, son/daughter, friend, mother/father, family member, employee and person that you can be. Travel, travel, travel.