Sometimes you just need to take a break from it all. For me I tend to be a runner, when things get tough I start looking for the closest exit in order to become free again, however in my prime age of twenty-one running is becoming harder to do. So, to calm the girl who doesn't stick around for too long here is a list of songs that you can relate to.
1. Love On the Rocks
First off Bareilles is just the ultimate bae (it is just fact), but love on the rocks is my favorite song of hers. No, it has nothing to do with the love aspect, but everything to do with her strength in vocals, and her acknowledgement that staying is "not going to be easy".
2. Lost Boy
Recently Lost Boy has been playing everywhere. Most likely you have heard this lovely song. For someone who dabbles on the lonely side, this song is a nice reminder that even peter pan is never truly alone. An elegant reminder that at some point there will be a home that keeps your soul feeling desired freedom.
3. Me, Myself and I
Just in case you needed a reminder that your ride or die is you. When the glimpse of sparkle in your eyes is about seeing the world and never staying somewhere for to long remember to accomplish great things do not allow someone or something to anchor you down.