You. Yes you there, sitting in the corner observing everything. I know that you’re an observer not a participant and the thought of jumping in scares you to death. You might be shy but you still want people to pay attention to you.
No, that doesn’t mean you want attention all the time, it just means you want the people around you to notice and include you in their fun too. You miss out on parties, gatherings and general fun because people always think of you afterwards and say, “Awe, you wouldn’t have wanted to be there, it was boring anyways” to try and make you feel better about not being invited.
It’s not OK that the people you love around you friends, family and coworkers keep pushing you to the side. Just because you’re a normal person or a person who has her head down getting things done, doesn’t mean you should be left out and thought of after the fact.
I’m here to tell you, it is OK to be angry, sad and disappointed in people. It is part of life. You have to take those feelings and decide if those people are adding any value to your life. This doesn’t mean they buy you things no, this means they make you laugh, support you, help you or are generally there when you need them, not when it is convenient to them.
If the answer to that is no, then leave politely. You don’t have to leave dramatically in a big huff but you need to lay out WHY you are leaving behind that relationship. I know, it sounds bitchy to say but you have to be completely honest not to inflict pain but to let them know that they need to get their act together before they lose more loved ones.
I was and am still that girl that gets thought of last and too late. IT doesn’t mean I need pity or attention, it means I need someone to think about me before they do something they know would be important or make me feel included in the group. Yes, life isn’t fair and you’re going to get assholes you cant seem to shake but for the most part your relationship are just that yours.
I am finally at the point in my life where I stop expecting consideration from people. I don’t see it as a bad thing necessarily but a learning experience, how to protect myself from being hurt but still put myself out there and love people.
I have my family; a small group of friends and coworkers who make me feel important and cared about. I have a boyfriend who makes it a point to make sure I feel beautiful and important every day.
Learning how to cope with life can be scary, hard and downright painful, but in the end it will leave you a better person. You get to leave the place better than you found it so why not leave people better than you found them as well? Learn to care about people and show them that they are important in your life. You don’t need a million people telling you that you are the most important thing on the planet; you just need someone there for you, rooting for you from the sidelines and sometimes playing the game with you.
To those of you that do this for me or anyone else, thank you. I know that we all appreciate the brightness you bring to our lives.