Going to class is hard enough when it's nice out, but going in winter weather is a whole different story. There are quite a few things that happen before we reach our destinations, and these gifs do a great job of explaining them. It's time to put on those snow boots, everyone!
Deciding whether or not to even go
Depending on what time the class is and how far of a walk you have to make, going to class can seem like a chore. Especially if it's freezing temperatures and snowing, no one can really blame you for not wanting to go. The decision can be made based on a number of things. Has it snowed? Will my face burn after 30 seconds outside? Do I need boots so I don't slip on ice? Once you've decided whether or not it is in your best interest to go to class, it's time to bundle up.
Bundle up and prepare for the elements
If you're like me, you want to be as warm as possible walking to class. First off, obviously make sure you have a nice warm jacket. Then, you'll decide whether or not you need a hat and gloves (hint: you do). After that, you'll decide whether or not the ski mask your mom bought you would come in handy in the negative temps (hint: it will). I suggest not getting completely bundled up until you are ready to walk out the door because sitting in your home with all that gear on will probably get really warm really fast.
The initial "it's not even that bad outside"
The moment you step outside, you don't even really see why everyone was being dramatic, it's not that cold! You're freshly bundled up and ready to face the elements. This stage only lasts for about a minute.
You've now been outside for 80 seconds and it is, in fact, that coldÂ
You doubted everyone, including your mother, when you first stepped outside. Now you see what everyone was talking about when they said it was freezing. Your face probably burns, your eyes are drying out from the cold, yet watering from the wind, and you realistically have quite some time before you make it to class. Hang in there, you probably wont freeze just yet.
Oh good, it's snowing nowÂ
It's hardly snowing though, it'll probably stop pretty soon. It's just a few flurries, no biggie! Most likely if it starts snowing on your walk to class, it's not going to stop by the time you get there. Hang in there though, the snow can't hurt you too much. It looks kind of pretty anyway, right?
Okay so it's practically a blizzard nowÂ
As you suspected, the snow didn't stop. In fact, it's snowing much harder now. You can barely see, you have to keep your eyes shut to even continue walking, but you're probably fine! I mean realistically, how many inches can it snow during your walk to class?
You slip on the ice because well, you're youÂ
It was pretty much inevitable. The ice is everywhere and you're only one person. How does anyone expect you to stay standing in such heinous conditions? It's fine though, only a few dozen people saw you and you fell gracefully like an Olympic Ice Skater!
You're almost to class and you can't feel your fingers or toesÂ
It's actually kind of a funny story isn't it? Mom told you to get the fleece lined gloves, but you wanted the cute knit ones with the technology compatible fingers. Well, turns out, those don't do anything to protect your fingers from the cold. Your hands are probably throbbing already from your fall, but the feeling of the wet and freezing gloves on your hands feels wonderful as well. Don't worry though, your class is right there!
You're finally in the building and you need to peel off your layers
It's crazy how almost immediately when you enter a building from the cold, you start sweating. The weirdest part about this is that you're still freezing. The faster you can get those layers off, the better. Now you'll have roughly an hour to thaw out during lecture and bring your body back to normal temperature.
 Sit in class and wait to do it all over again on the way home
Your sitting on top of your parka, your hat and gloves are now in your backpack, you're sweating, and all you can think about is the walk home. After your treacherous walk to class, the last thing you want to do is have to walk home. Hey, at least you made it there in the first place, counts as a win in my book. Perhaps call a "Lyft" or an "Uber" on the way home.
Congratulations, you made it to class! Maybe you didn't. Either way, I'm proud of you for toughing it out in the cold or making the smart decision of just staying in your bed and hoping someone sends you the notes. Stay warm peeps!