In today's society, health and fitness are a constant part of life. There is a real emphasis on being healthy or staying fit. But if you're anything like me, nothing strikes dread into your heart more than the following words: exercise; treadmill; weights; yoga; zumba; and The Gym.
Yes, there is nothing quite so avoidable to me as The Gym (no offense to the gym goers). This is in part because I do find gyms intimidating. Like, look at all those fit people working to stay, well, fit. Another reason is that I simply find gyms boring. Running in place staring into oblivion even with my favorite music blasting in my ears does not exactly make me want to exercise or get moving.
I suppose it also doesn't help that I am a very low energy person, as in I don't like expending energy at all. So, how do I get my healthy exercise if I don't go to the gym and I don't like expending energy? The answer is walking for at least 30 minutes a day. Not only is walking not a strenuous activity, but it is something we do all the time and can do any time.
A brisk walk around the neighborhood, the park, or even a store for 30 minutes a day means I'm being engaged physically without being distracted by it. The best thing about walking for my health however is that I don't have to do 30 minutes straight of walking.
I can break it up into, say, three 10 minute walks throughout the day. So when I'm pressed for time, I can still get my walking in. In these ways, walks are my best friend when it comes to keeping up my health.
So, if you find yourself reluctant or just downright against going to a gym or exercising like I do, it's okay. Go take a walk.