Because I need something to write about, I figured I'd write about something I do lot but don't always think about: walking. I've been doing it a lot more since getting to college; I honestly feel like I've needed to walk at times. Being holed up for hours in a single room, staring at a laptop and sitting in a chair can lead to a different kind of fatigue (partially caused by procrastination). It makes me really sympathize with people who have office jobs...Anyway, it's nice to just get out into the world and take a stroll, looking at the trees and animals and people and whatever else happens to be around. While it's definitely healthy to get moving and stop sitting around, I haven't really been walking for the sake of exercise. It's been more for my mental health than anything else, and I definitely recommend it.
Sometimes, I need to move in order to get my thoughts flowing, and I'm sure many other people can relate. If I'm having trouble with a paper, or need time to think about something I went over in class, I get up and walk. I don't even go outside sometimes; sometimes all I need to do is pace. Just in the physical process of moving, I feel that my mind moves faster too, comprehending thoughts and coming up with new ideas. Sometimes, it helps me make decisions as well; if I'm feeling indecisive, getting up and moving around can help me think about what's giving me pause and help me get over it. I can be thinking about anything, whether it's important or just about the latest episode of my favorite show, and it feels so much more lively. I can really get involved in my thoughts. For my mind to move, it helps a lot if my body moves with it. And while spending too much time in your head isn't healthy, it's not like you can avoid it. Why not make friends with your mind?
Of course, part of the joy of walking is also being out and about, seeing what's around and what's going on. More than a few times, I've had my day brightened by taking a short stroll and seeing a squirrel hanging out nearby. The Ursinus squirrels are a joy to be around; they don't mind if people get a little close to them (not too close), so I can just observe from a good distance. I've got a few pictures on my phone of squirrels now, whether they're lounging around or hanging out in trees, and it almost makes up for not having a pet on campus!
Aside from hanging out with the cute squirrels, getting out of my dorm/whatever classroom I've managed to take over and being outside is an overall nice feeling. Being able to walk freely in a vast, open area instead of a small room is refreshing, and it's nice to take in the scenery. Whether it's the leafless limbs of trees stretching into the sky or houses sitting still on street corners, it's nice to be around a world that's got more to it than me and studying. And being able to walk around when other people are out, whether they're going to class or enjoying themselves on a weekend night, is a good way to feel connected to the world without actually engaging in conversation. I love talking to friends and nice people, but I'm also pretty solitary (maybe too solitary). I like being reminded that there's a whole bevvy of unique individuals inhabiting the world I live in without necessarily having to be involved with them. It makes me feel less alone while still preserving my privacy.
So, yeah. That's my pitch for going on walks, and just walking in general. I'm sure many people already do this, but it's something I've been taking for granted, and it gives me something else to write about!