The hardest decision is deciding whether to "walk away" or "try harder". We all have been through so much. We keep on trying to try harder, but after awhile we have no more fight left in us. Maybe it is best to walk away sometimes.
This is the only choice we make in every moment of life. We either try harder or we walk away from being present, loving ourselves, loving another, pursuing our passions or completing a task. We choose to continue doing, thinking, saying, listening, eating, and being what we are, or we break up with it.
Depending upon the situation and the circumstances, it is okay to walk away. You need to know that. For example.. if you have fought for someone and they keep playing with your feelings or not even making a effort, get up on out of our feels and walk away. I know it is easier said then done, but you're wearing yourself out take a break!!!
When someone says you can't, that's one of the times you try harder. Show them that you can! Believe in yourself and push yourself to do it. Go above and beyond what they say you can't do. Prove them wrong.
The choice to stay or leave determines whether we free ourselves or we suffer. How do we make the "right" decision? It's simple, but it is not easy: Do not make more struggle for yourself. We are released from bondage when we know that regardless if we stay or go, we have the choice to stay or go. We are in charge of our own suffering. We can walk away from it when we wish.