Having a positive mindset when you leave the door in the morning can make or break your day. Have a positive day could greatly influence the course of your week. Having an upbeat week can change your entire year.
“A positive mindset in the morning? I hate mornings!”
Okay, so maybe getting up early isn’t your cup of tea, but one major change can impact your entire mindset. Don’t underestimate the importance of walking out of the room feeling confident. It seems like a small task or a stupid one if you don’t have any extra time in the mornings as it is, but I promise it makes a huge difference in the vibes of your entire day.
I have personally tried an experiment in my own life to test the theory. I have tried getting ready in the morning while paying little attention to my hair, applying no makeup, and wearing plain ill-fitting clothes. Now this may be your daily routine, I have no problem with it, nor am I saying that there is anything wrong with that. It just isn’t me, so for all intensive purposes, it served as the opposite side of the variable I needed to change in my experiment. Anyone who knows me knows this is all very unlike my daily persona, I usually delight in selecting my outfit, taming my hair, and adorning my face with beautiful colors, but I genuinely wanted to experience the difference in how the rest of my day played out. Even though I knew I was trying something new, I still didn’t feel confident in my appearance, and subconsciously acted as such. I found myself making less eye contact with people and smiling less. Why did I suddenly have such an inferiority complex?
“Wow all this because you didn’t brush your hair or get to your eyeliner?”
No it was deeper than the fact that I skipped my beauty routine. It was the fact that so quickly my self-esteem seemed to take a few steps back, and I hated that feeling. Isn’t it amazing, the thoughts and feelings we have involuntarily? I learned the value in taking that extra 10 to 15 minutes before I run out the door to make peace with the face smiling back in the mirror. I wish this was something everyone took seriously because it can greatly improve your quality of living. When you mentally accept and love yourself before your conquer your day, who can bring you down? Just give yourself a break and smile before you leave the house, your future self will thank you for it.