Take a walk in the rain today. Yes, your clothes will get wet, your hair will get frizzy, and your skin will become damp and sticky, but take a walk in the rain today. As it falls, watch it hit the ground on different terrain, see how unique each splatter is as it collides with the surface.
Look at the sky. Behind those clouds is something blue and vast, and behind that is something dark and glittered with stars. However, within those white clouds, rain droplets form and twist and fall and wet your nose all in a matter of minutes. Despite the mad drop from the troposphere, the damage the mere drop will do is nothing but a touch. Walk in the rain today because it gives you a chance to touch part of the sky. Something that was created that much closer to space than you were.
As you sit inside, sulking at the rain, pull yourself away from the television. Really look at the world outside. Look at the terrain, the vegetation, the pavement. While the rain falls and the sky perpetuates a misty white glow, the greenery of the world suddenly becomes deeper and brighter than any time it would during the day. The leaves shine and shake slightly from the small force, but most end up holding themselves together. And if they do not, they fall quickly, quietly, or not, towards the ground down below where they might meet the grass, or even a body of water. The water dances up and down, evenly-uneven, moving the leaf slowly towards the grass lining. Take a moment to look outside.
Humans fear rain more and more as life goes on. As one gets older, the rain becomes more of a nuisance. The liquid serves as a representation of something unbearable, unwanted, and sickness-bringing.The weather is not seen as what it could be; something that brightens the colors of the earth, caters to stored away emotions, and gives someone the feeling of life in the purest way. Forget obligation for the one moment, and remember the small child you once used to be; frolicking so easily, so happily through the puddles and the droplets. Remember how easy it was to enjoy the rain when you were younger, how much easier it was to accept it.
The world fears drought, but refuses to enjoy the rain when it shows up. If one could learn to look at the rain not for something to hide from or cower from, weather such as storms and downfalls could be more accepted, more enjoyable; easier. If the decision were made to accept that drizzles are definitely necessary on occasion, drizzles would be something we could see through together.
Rain is not taboo. Rain is necessary, rain is unique, and most importantly, rain is only temporary.