In observing what has been going on in the world over the last few years I can now conclude that we are in the end days where what was once wrong has now become right and what was once right has now become wrong. Some will say this all started when we took prayer out of the schools and stopped holding people accountable for their actions. I believe the downfall of our country came when we became a country of people filled with an entitlement mentality. Just look around you and see how our priorities have been skewed. It is no longer about how I can help the neighbor but how I can get over on the neighbor. We have stopped being impeccable with our word and become a society of excuse makers. The question now is when are you going to wake up and do something about it and become a catalyst for positive change in your community?
We can blame it on these two or all the politicians who have forgotten why they were elected. The fact that a man like Donald Trump could get elected to the highest office in America only shows us how the American people have become like sheep being led to slaughter. Many people didn't go to the polls on election day because they felt their vote didn't matter. What if all those people banded together to support a third party candidate. What might have happened.then? What if instead of listening to the media people did their own research and made an informed and educated decision? It is time to wake up America and realize you can change the bus driver all you want but if you are headed for a cliff you need to pump the brakes and turn things around.
The first step to waking up is to begin to teach this four agreements to everyone and start to change the lack mindset to an abundance mindset. It is important to make sure that people have some type of spiritual guidance system to understand that they have the power to change the world by simply getting involved in the community. It is time to start to tear down the 7 deadly sins and to wake up and understand that we are on this earth to be of service and value to one another.
If you look at 3 of the deadly sins greed, gluttony, and sloth you will see why we need to wake up and make a positive change as we have become a country filled with fat, lazy, and greedy people who feel that the world owes them a living. Well, I have news for you, this world doesn't owe you anything.You owe yourself to wake up and develop the life that you desire by being of service and value to others. It's time for you to ask questions like, how is President Trump going to create jobs when his apparel lines are manufactured overseas? If he was a good leader he would lead by example and open up factories here in the United States in a place like Allentown, PA and manufacture his clothing line there. If he was a true leader he would have denounced the KKK and Nazis instead of going after the NFL. The fact is that we need to wake up and begin to watch out for each other by thinking globally and acting locally. We need to look beyond skin color, social status, and sexual orientation, and understand that we are more alike than different and that it is time for a great awakening, so as to bring us all together to show people that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations and that service to humanity is the best work of life. It is time to wake up America and start to find ways to make peace, love, joy, and prosperity part of everyone's life. It is time to take care of each other and find ways to show that economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise. It is time to instill the belief that faith in GOD gives meaning and purpose to human life. Let us put aside our differences and come together with solutions to today's challenges by understanding it is time to Wake Up America.
When you wake up and understand that the opposite of progress is congress you will be better equipped to take action and make positive changes in your community. It is time to Wake Up America!!!