I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-social injustice and inequality.
I'm not democrat, I'm not republican. I am a human being standing up for human rights and values. Sure I might agree with the democratic values majority of the time, but don't mistake my agreements as a pledge to their party. Recognize the difference. We as a country seem to be blinded by some current events and I am gladly here to shed some light onto them.
First off, who gives two shits that someone isn't standing for the national anthem? I mean really, are we seriously complaining over someone who participates in his right not to stand? What difference does it make since half of us sit during the national anthem at home, hypocritical much? If you want to get upset over something lets get upset over Standing Rock.
Standing Rock is a Native American Reservation located in North and South Dakota and guess who wants to destroy that? The US Corps Of Engineers. 1,172 miles of pipeline will take its place carrying over half a million barrels of crude oil daily, threatening drinking water and sacred sites. Funny, thought we learned our lesson with Flint, Michigan. Have we not? And of course the media's coverage is little to none, just as the Presidential nominees. It's disgusting. What's even more disgusting is the peaceful protesters who were attacked by our "police" officers who were protesting which we are allowed to do, or are we? Because it sure as hell seems like our rights are being stripped little by little each day. Why are we putting our water in danger and last over crude oil? Oh wait, that's right, $$$. That's what our Government sees. The money aspect of things, not that fact that along the way you could be possibly poisoning your people. Because money will always come before you and me. The exact same reason why no media coverage or talk from the two Presidential nominees is given. So please, shut the hell up over a football player not standing up during the National Anthem, because it sounds like what he's doing is right. How can you stand up for your own country when no care is given about us? Think about that for a little bit. They would rather destroy a sacred ground from our Native American brothers and sisters, which in fact was stolen from them, and ruin it with crude oil.
It's about time we as Americans demand change and demand a better future for us and the one's after us. Global Warming is real and so is climate change. We need clean energy solutions and 100% renewable energy. That is what I plan to do when I run for office. The people have spoken and it's time we give that power back to the citizens. I will not stop fighting for clean air until we get clean air. No more power plants, no more nuclear. It's time for a change.
You can sign the petition right here and make a difference today.
** Update as of 9/17/2016 **
Two states, Alabama and Georgia have declared a state of emergency after nearly a quarter of a million gallons of gasoline have spilled after a major fuel pipeline ruptured. The focus now, local water. Gallons upon gallons of gas inching closer towards natural water sources, media coverage stays silent, majority of people found out through social media. Yesterday on Facebook the top trends were 'State Of Emergency' Ironically, there's no trace of it on there today. As some of you might recall earlier this year, Facebook was caught altering the top trends to reflect the left side http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/25/technology/facebook-controversy-is-still-trending.html?_r=0
Did Facebook remove this trend before it caught traction? You decide. It certainly wouldn't be the first time.
Water is life. Stop threatening our water and join millions of others in saying, Make the Change to Clean Energy.
Second of all, we did have another option this November. Bernie Sanders. But no, he was too "socialist" well what the hell about Donald freaking Trump, Mr. Make America Great Again with his homophobic VP. You are telling me you would rather have a President who insults Mexicans, Women, disabled Americans, Muslims, African Americans, Asians, POW's, and so many more. But Bernie just had to been so "socialist" The most honest man in Washington deserved better than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Congrats America.
There is other choices this November besides Clinton and Trump. Libertarian nominee, Gary Johnson and VP Bill Weld vow to turn the country around. Stating an agreement with philosopher Ayn Rand,
"Without exception, I am a civil libertarian. I believe in the supremacy of individual rights and personal freedoms above unwarranted government interference or control"
Johnson is basically a younger Bernie Sanders who believes in majority of the same things but have separate views.
The other choice this November is Green Party nominee, Jill Stein and VP Ajamu Baraka. Baraka is a human rights activist who believes in human right values. Stein shares majority if not all of Bernie Sanders views and ideals, and sought out towards Sander supporters when Bernie endorsed Hillary Clinton for Presidency. Clean energy is one of her missions to accomplish as President, followed by eliminating student debt and make college tuition free.
America will never be great with the vast amount of ignorance. Read the truth, don't run from it. Accept one another, accept your neighbors. Be the change that is so desperately needed. Be that voice someone hears, because sure enough all those voices, voicing the same thing will echo throughout this country and make its way to Washington. We are supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow but were looking like the joke of tomorrow. Wake up America.
"Change your thoughts and you change your world" - Norman Vincent Peale